Home Mental Health Dear Annie: Finding an in-person therapist who does not practice on Zoom is a challenge

Dear Annie: Finding an in-person therapist who does not practice on Zoom is a challenge

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Annie: I read your posts in my local newspaper every day, and I’ve noticed that you often tell people to seek the help of a professional counselor before making big decisions.

I agree that this is an important step, but I find that counselors and psychologists are so busy that they either aren’t accepting new clients or only want to accept clients via computer. They prefer counseling via Zoom instead of face-to-face.

Many doctors have been doing business this way during the pandemic, but my sense is that you should get comfortable with your counselor before you start telling them intimate things about yourself. It’s not my idea that anything is accomplished by doing this via a computer. — Even after retiring, I still have thoughts

Dear Retirees: Virtual therapy has really boomed since the pandemic through services like BetterHelp and Talkspace and private practices.

It’s true that for some, it provides more convenience and accessibility, but it doesn’t compare to in-person care. Keep looking for an in-person counselor. You can find resources on the Psychology Today website under Find a Therapist. Good luck!

Please send any questions about Annie Lane to [email protected].

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