Home Mental Health Dear Annie: Day drinker is in ‘good spirits’ in the morning, but depressed by the afternoon

Dear Annie: Day drinker is in ‘good spirits’ in the morning, but depressed by the afternoon

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Annie: I have a friend I call “Scott.” We have known each other for about 15 years, but have retired in the last few years. He enjoyed his job until he retired due to factory closure.

Currently, Scott drinks from 8 a.m. to around 2 p.m. He’s fine in the morning, but by 2 he’s completely depressed. He tries to tell us that the world is worse now than it was when we were growing up. It’s very difficult to hear him go on about this matter.

I want to tell him I need help but I’m scared to do so. I can’t even play with him because of his problems. I know where to send him for help, but I don’t know how to send him there. — I want my friend back.

Dear Wanted Person: Your concerns about Scott are completely valid. It seems like he’s been in a bad situation for quite some time and may not even realize how out of control things are.

Once he has cooled down, share your concerns with him. Let him know that you want to help him if he’s willing, and that ultimately you just want to see him happy again. You can’t force Scott to stop drinking, but reminding him that he’s in your corner cheering you on might be more effective than you think. Also check out Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. You’ll definitely get some helpful suggestions from people who’ve been there.

Questions for Annie Lane should be directed to: [email protected].

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