Home Medicine Dealing with postpartum hair loss

Dealing with postpartum hair loss

by Universalwellnesssystems

Hair loss, thinning, or hair loss is a common postpartum experience. After the baby and placenta are delivered, pregnancy hormones (estrogen and progesterone) decrease, telling your body that the pregnancy is over. It may take about 15 months for hormones and hair growth to return to normal.

“When you start breastfeeding, things start to change, but the physiological changes that come with pregnancy cause your hair to stay in its growth phase longer than normal. Dr. Matthew CarrollAssistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine.

Because hair often grows thicker during pregnancy, most pregnant women experience increased postpartum hair loss due to a condition called telogen effluvium, which also occurs due to chronic stress and nutritional deficiencies. All the hair that was clogged during the growth phase catches up, and the hair falls out and returns to the telogen phase where it becomes thinner.

Minoxidil, also known as over-the-counter rogaine, is a hair loss treatment that encourages hair follicles to enter the anagen phase. Carroll says there’s mixed data on whether it helps with postpartum hair loss, but it’s less risky. It’s a cure.

“Hair loss can have a huge impact on your health. “Having is something you can discuss with your patients,” Carroll said.

The most promising supplement for those with low keratin counts is to continue iron supplementation, even if there are no signs of iron deficiency or anemia. It doesn’t work for hair.

Continue with your normal hair routine and avoid harsh hair treatments or anything that may increase hair loss. Seek guidance from your gynecologist or mental health professional. A hair stylist can also offer advice on different hairstyles that cover areas of thinning hair and promote self-image and health.

Women with female pattern baldness, hair loss, or a medical condition that leads to hair loss may continue hair treatment or postpone it during pregnancy, as directed by their doctor. is not recommended.

Although many people experience hair loss on their heads, growth due to androgenic hormones increases during pregnancy, causing hair to appear on other parts of the body, such as the legs and stomach area. Once those follicles develop, they often subside after childbirth.

“Some people consider postpartum hair loss to be a small thing, but physiologically it has a huge impact and we need to support and respect what people are going through,” Carroll said. Told.

Homa Shalch

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