Home Mental Health Daughter’s Contamination OCD is making grandkids’ lives stressful

Daughter’s Contamination OCD is making grandkids’ lives stressful

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dear Annie: I would like to hear the opinion of someone who was a child of a mother with contaminating OCD. Her daughter’s therapist determined that this was a fairly severe case, but her daughter refused to go to the recommended hospital program. Instead, she sees a therapist once a week, which is basically a whack-a-mole approach. As one problem improves, another problem arises. She has been suffering from this condition for over 5 years and she refuses any medication.

The only thing I worry about more than her is my grandchildren, who are 2 and a half years old and 5 years old. I can’t mention all the avoidance and strange behavior and behavior, but her behavior is causing so much anxiety and stress in their lives that they won’t. There are other cases.

Before we realized what we were dealing with, our family did the worst thing possible: offer guarantees and accommodations. Her husband is completely under the control of OCD. According to her therapist, he should take her children and leave to encourage her to really seek help. It seems like he can’t bring himself to do that. He worries that his children will also suffer from OCD.

We are considering using the court system to get the children out of this situation.

When I mentioned this concern to my therapist, she said the research was inconclusive about the effects on children. I don’t want to bet on their growth and find out 10 years later that I had to save my grandkids and my daughter.

I’d like to hear from people who went through this situation as children what they would recommend.

I want my daughter back and I want her to have the best life with her family. — Grandmother blinded by mental health issues

Dear Blind Grandma: Your daughter’s contamination OCD, an extreme fear of being contaminated by germs, is creating a very difficult situation that is taking a toll on the entire family. It is wise to try to get help for your daughter or grandchild. However, remember that even if she is sick or experiencing symptoms of OCD, she is still your “real daughter.” At that moment, the disease is only spreading. Talk to her husband, listen to the suggestions of professional therapists, and keep doing what you’re doing.

I wish you the best of luck. So, dear reader, if any of you have had experience with a family member suffering from Contamination OCD, what has worked for them during these episodes? Also, if either parent has Contamination OCD If you grew up in a family with , we would love to hear your experiences and advice.

Please send any questions about Annie Lane to [email protected].

Other works by MLive

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