Home Fitness Cycling for Weight Loss – Workouts, Strategies, Tips

Cycling for Weight Loss – Workouts, Strategies, Tips

by Universalwellnesssystems

The first thing men do when they want to shed their spares is pull on their trainers and run toward the sidewalk (or treadmill). The problem is, unless you’re a runner, you likely won’t be able to run far enough to burn fat. Even worse, you end up getting injured in the process. A better solution: Reach for your bike.

Bicycles can be used on any type of road – mountain, road, gravel or stationary – thanks to their low impact and quick recovery due to inertia, they can be used without stressing the joints or increasing risk. You can run as long or as hard as you want. Injuries and burnout.

How cycling helps you lose weight

Cycling is an easy way to burn hundreds of calories.180 pound man gets burned 650 calories (That’s more than a Big Mac) While riding briskly (that is, comfortably hard and able to communicate in short sentences) for an hour.

A good cycling workout (more on this later) will also build muscle, boost your metabolism and improve your body composition. Short bursts of high-intensity exercise, which can easily be done on a bike, are especially effective. reduce insulin resistance (can contribute to fat gain) and also helps with health-damaging burn abdominal visceral fatThe kinder men are, the more likely they are to suffer.

cycling training for weight loss

All cycling helps you burn fat and lose weight. However, following a plan that includes varying intensities will give you the best results.

keep it up. Rides that include short, high-intensity workouts (also known as high-intensity interval training or HIIT) are scientifically proven to burn fat.in One of the groundbreaking HIIT studiesA team of Canadian researchers found that riders who performed four to six 30-second full-throttle sprints three times a week were more than twice as likely to perform 30 to 60 minutes of moderate aerobic intensity compared to riders who rode for 30 to 60 minutes at moderate aerobic intensity. discovered that it burned body fat. Exerting maximum power in a short period of time trains your muscles, especially your strong fast-twitch muscles.

HIIT efforts are typically 10 seconds to 5 minutes in length. The key to doing HIIT is to give it your all during the effort. Therefore, if you make a very short effort (i.e. less than 30 seconds), you are giving 100% effort. If you do longer exercise sessions of 3 to 5 minutes, you’ll be working at about 90% of your maximum heart rate (or 9 on a scale of 1 to 10 for perceived exertion) during that interval. Short intervals are usually combined with equally short or even shorter recovery periods to allow the body to adapt to repeated maximal efforts. Do these twice a week. (Note: These are very difficult, so do them outdoors or indoors on a trainer and out of traffic.)

build the engine. Gentle riding also helps burn fat in several ways. One is that you can go longer to burn more total calories per ride. It also helps improve your aerobic capacity, allowing you to recover faster from exertion, and encourages your body to create more capillaries within your muscles, thereby increasing blood flow to working muscles. , mitochondrial density increases, allowing them to produce more energy faster. A side benefit of this is that you’ll be able to do more sets, reps, and training volume without gassing up in the weight room. The most effective workouts for building the aerobic engine are long “sweet spot” intervals, where he works out for 10 to 20 minutes at about 75 to 85 percent of his maximum heart rate, resting for half the interval time. Masu. between sets. (Learn more about the benefits of training at this intensity here.)

heading for the hill. To burn more calories and fat while building muscle that boosts your metabolism, incorporate climbing into your cycling routine. When you pedal up a hill, gravity tries to pull you back down. The steeper the slope, the stronger the pull of gravity. So you have to recruit more muscles (and burn more calories) to maintain forward momentum. Are there no hills? Simulate them with some big gear. On flat terrain, shifting into a larger (and therefore harder) gear takes a little more effort to push, but it doesn’t put stress on your joints. While seated, pedal hard for 5-10 minutes. Perform 3 to 5 sets, resting for half of the interval between sets.

How to put it all together

To summarize all the ultimate ways to lose weight on a bike, a sample week looks like this:

Monday and/or Saturday: Two 10 minute sweet spot intervals, 45-60 minute moderate rides.

Tuesday Thursday: Tabata intervals (i.e. 8 rounds of 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of recovery). Work can be done on the same day as heavy labor.

Sunday: Head for the hills or try to work up your muscles with some big gear.

The best part is that cycling is fun and can also be social if you join a group, class, or online community. This is important. When you actually enjoy an activity, scientists say,hedonic motiveThis means that if you like something, you’re more likely to stick with it and make it a habit. Research shows that long-term weight loss requires a commitment to exercise, so it’s important to find activities that you enjoy and want to do. And cycling is a sport that you can do for a lifetime.

serene jaeger face photo

“Fit chick”

Serene Jaeger is a best-selling professional health and fitness writer who writes as a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, USA Cycling Certified Coach, Pn1 Certified Nutrition Coach, Pro Licensed Off-Road Racer, and National Ironman Triathlete. Masu.

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