Home Health Care COVID, trans health care, Pentagon abortion policy: Pence town hall takeaways

COVID, trans health care, Pentagon abortion policy: Pence town hall takeaways

by Universalwellnesssystems

(NewsNation) — Former Vice President Mike Pence emphasized his staunchly conservative values ​​at a NewsNation town hall Wednesday night, advocating for changes in education policy and offering support for senators fighting the Pentagon. and defended the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

“We will win a better future for American families suffering under the Biden administration’s failed policies at home and abroad,” Pence told NewsNation’s Leland Bittert, who moderated the event at NewsNation’s headquarters in Chicago. That’s why I’m running.”

He said that if elected president, he would strive to “restore standards of civility in public life.”

“I think our politics is more divided than ever, but I don’t think Americans are more divided than our politics,” he said. “We need a president who can at least create an environment where we can start talking to each other again across the aisle and really find ways to have common ground.”

Mr. Pence has been campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire in the early stages of the primaries, aiming to gain support in the 2024 Republican presidential primary.

He also went on the offensive during the first Republican debate last month, touting his experience in the Trump administration and having several exchanges with businessman Vivek Ramaswamy. He also defended his decision not to reject the January 6, 2021 electoral votes during the certification period for the 2024 election, as he has consistently done.

Mr. Pence has so far struggled to gain support from voters, with polls showing him at just 5%. RealClearPolitics average. This is behind former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley (6%), Ramaswamy (7%), Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (13.3%), and former President Donald Trump (53.6%).

Here are some of the key positions Pence has taken on the City Council.

The Pentagon needs to “rescind” its abortion policy.Tuber building right

Six months have passed since Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) initiated a blockade on military promotions, leaving the Pentagon with more than 300 vacancies in leadership positions.

Tuberville is protesting a Department of Defense policy that provides vacation and travel compensation to service members who need to travel out of state to receive abortion care.

“The Department of Defense should stand aside,” Pence said of the confrontation. “The idea that generals at the Pentagon, with liberal Democratic policies, are using taxpayer dollars to undermine state laws designed to protect unborn children is just wrong.”

Sabrina Singh, deputy Pentagon spokeswoman, said in an interview with NewsNation last week that the holdup is forcing military leadership personnel to do two jobs at once, calling it “damaging.” Stated.

China needs to take responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic, vaccine testing will be further stepped up

Pence defended his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and accused China of hiding what it knows about the virus. It took over 1.1 million American lives.

He blamed governors and mayors across the country for imposing lockdowns for longer than their administrations thought necessary.

“The temporary measures of that spring were never intended to be permanent,” Pence said.

He criticized local school districts for choosing to move to online-only instruction, after surveys found students were falling back.

He expressed concern that the latest vaccine boosters, recently approved, “have not been subjected to the testing” common to drug and vaccine approvals. Both the Federal Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have approved this vaccine and it is recommended for all Americans 6 months of age and older.

“If we had four more years, we would never have mandated vaccines,” he said.

‘Gender ideology’ in schools, Ministry of Education needs to be abolished

Like his political opponent Ramaswamy, Pence has advocated abolishing the federal Department of Education and said he would work to eliminate “radical gender ideology” in schools.

Pence said it was “too important for Washington, D.C., to intervene” in school policy. “We would like to see these funds returned to the state.”

Pence also criticized the “radical gender ideology” being taught in schools, citing policies that require teachers to refer to students by their preferred pronouns or gender identity.

“Please protect our children”

Pence reiterated his position that gender-affirming care should not be provided to anyone under 18. Earlier this year, Pence said he supported a nationwide ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors, comparing it to rules about getting tattoos.

“I think the idea that we’re teaching young impressionable children that little boys can be girls and little girls can be boys is wrong,” Pence said Wednesday.

The comment was in response to a question from social work professor Melissa McCallister about how Pence would protect members of the transgender community from violence.

“If I’m president of the United States, I’m going to care about the protection of all Americans and the rights of all Americans, whether it aligns with my values ​​or not,” he said. “When it comes to surgical and chemical procedures, we truly believe that we must protect children from decisions that affect the balance of their lives. At the same time, we also say that adults can make decisions on command. ” because of their own conscience. ”

McCollister was disappointed with Pence’s answer.

“It’s appalling to hear someone say it’s wrong for young children to make decisions about their gender identity and to ask school officials for support, protection and assistance,” she said. .

A female vice president may also be considered.

Regarding Mr. Pence’s relationship with his wife and his views on marriage, the following quote was widely reported in 2017: resurfaced He said, “I never eat alone with a woman.”

So will he choose a woman as his vice president?

“You better believe it,” he said, saying he would consider it, but didn’t want to get ahead of himself. Pence is looking for someone who agrees with his core values, he said.

“We will find the person who is the most qualified, the most prepared, the most committed to the agenda that we feel called to advance,” Pence said.

“American energy” is the key to lowering inflation

Although inflation is down from last year’s historic highs, the Labor Department said Wednesday that the consumer price index rose 3.7% in August from a year earlier, up from an annualized pace of 3.2% in July.

Pence criticized Biden administration policies that he said were contributing to the problem, saying he would “unleash America’s energy” to fight inflation.

“Joe Biden has spent a lot of time and millions of dollars on television telling us that Bidennomics is working, and the American people know it well,” Pence said. He said, “We will deal with inflation by making our public finances sound.”

US needs to continue support to Ukraine

Pence has supported Ukraine and U.S. support for the country since the February 2022 invasion of Russia.

In late June 2023, the former vice president said: a sudden visit He heads to Ukraine to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and tour the war-torn country.

He argued Wednesday that President Joe Biden has not effectively articulated the U.S. national interest in ensuring victory for Ukraine.

“If the Ukrainian military does not stop and repel the Russian invasion, it will not be long before Russian troops cross the border and our men and women in uniform will have to fight for us. “I’m convinced that the NATO treaty,” he said.

He called on the U.S. to provide more military aid to the country, criticized Republican rivals who questioned continued U.S. involvement, and said there was no room for “Putin apologists” in the party. He said he was pushing back against those seeking U.S. military aid. They will have a more limited role on the world stage.

“Peace is achieved through force, and if we use the equivalent of 3% of our defense budget to force them to push back Russian forces, as we have supported the Ukrainian military, “I think we can deter China’s military ambitions in the Asia-Pacific region, especially when it comes to Taiwan,” he said.

Senate leaders from both parties expressed support for the Ukraine funds. However, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy previously promised there would be no “blank checks” to Ukraine.

The party needs to move on from Trump

Pence has been at odds with his former boss Trump, claiming he is unfit to serve as president because of his actions during the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

In the days leading up to January 6, 2021, President Trump pressured Pence to overturn President Joe Biden’s election victory, presiding over the ceremonial certification of the results. Pence refused, and as the mob stormed the Capitol, some chanted, “I want Mike Pence to be hanged.”

Asked why he doesn’t think Trump is the right candidate for his party, Pence said, “I’ve heard that the former president is currently shying away from American leadership on the world stage.” “I believe that different times require different leadership.”

But the former president has touted his significant lead in national polls as evidence that a majority of voters in his party still want him as their 2024 candidate. He frequently posts screenshots of voting results. true social page.

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