Home Nutrition Could the actual superfood be… a cheese sandwich?

Could the actual superfood be… a cheese sandwich?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth is Adjunct Professor at Lincoln University, holds a PhD in Soil Science (Nutrient Cycling) and is Director of Ravensdown, DairyNZ and Deer Industry NZ.

opinion: We of a certain age remember the school mindset and the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet.

Since then we 5 or more times a day and the food pyramidHowever, consumption continues to be lower than recommended and Survey by Research First It indicates the price as “often justified” released in October.

of Confirmation from Stats NZ Food price inflation hit a 32-year record of 11.3% in the year ended December, justifying this.

Compared to December 2021, fruit and vegetable prices increased by 23%. Other food categories also increased, but to a lesser extent than fruits and vegetables.

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* Energy needs decrease with age, so what you eat becomes more important
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Groceries are obviously more expensive than they used to be, but the actual cost issue depends on what you’re trying to figure out. This could be the producer’s or supermarket’s profit margin, affordability to income, or ‘value for money’.

If the latter, what are the desired values? Taste? energy? vitamin? protein? caffeine?

A cup of black coffee proves that the value of ingredients is determined by what you want. Caffeine hit? definitely. energy boost? Not really.

A cup of black coffee proves that the value of ingredients is determined by what you want. Caffeine hit? definitely. energy boost? Not really.

Coffee contains 3-4 times more caffeine than cola, but black coffee (sugar-free) like Diet Coke does not, while regular cola has energy.

A cup of coffee costs the same as a cup of Coke at home or in a cafe. If you want caffeine, coffee is a better value.

For most animals, the first requirement after sleep is energy, followed by protein. It is

They are obtained with minimal calories (energy) from animal protein.

The question of how to meet your intake of essential nutrients has been answered by Dr. Graeme Coles, a Canterbury-based nutritional scientist.

He calculated that an adult’s essential amino acid, energy, and fiber needs could be met with six cheddar cheese sandwiches.

Even better news is that a cheese sandwich (or six) meets your nutritional needs with less environmental impact than other options.

Importantly, cheese is made from cow’s milk, which is a complete food for infants. All proteins in milk are available, as opposed to proteins in meat and soy.

Additionally, essential amino acids are the preferred protein:calorie ratio. In 100 grams of milk, all 3.7 grams of protein are available, associated with 42 calories. Interestingly, 100g of steak contains 18.4g of usable protein associated with 187 calories.

In a non-subsidized food distribution system like New Zealand’s, meeting daily essential amino acid requirements is significantly cheaper than using dairy products, especially cheese and butter, than any other approach.

Coles calculated that a sandwich with 180g of cheddar cheese, 60g of butter, and 12 slices of whole grain bread could provide 2000 calories. This also provides enough dietary fiber to meet all essential amino acid requirements and health recommendations. All about $8…

Moreover, studies show that such diets also minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

“A properly managed dairy cow meets the annual essential amino acid requirements of about 17 adults and the energy requirements of about 15,” says Coles.

This calculation does not exclude the importance of fruits and vegetables, as they are essential for vitamins and contribute to fiber, hence the 5+ a day mantra.

Shopping carts like this are great for nutritionists, but they can be a pain at the checkout.

Marion Van Dyke/Stuff

Shopping carts like this are great for nutritionists, but they can be a pain at the checkout.

of New Zealand Health Survey A study published in November suggested that half of adults and 70% of children meet fruit intake guidelines (about two per person per day), but the recommended intake of vegetables Only 10% of adults and 6% of children meet the quantity (2.5 to 5.5 servings). 1 day, increases with age/size).

For vitamins A, E, B3, phosphorus and potassium, carrots (33c/100g) are superior to oranges (40c/100g).

As for vitamin C, it is contained in oranges. However, oranges also contain much more sugar than carrots.

Adding grated carrots to your cheese sandwich and a squeeze of lemon juice to slow down the browning might be the answer.

Lemons (free in many gardens, but currently $1.05 per 100g in supermarkets) generally have less vitamin C than oranges, but are lower in sugar.

fruits and vegetables A valuable source of energy, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Jacqueline Rowarth is an adjunct professor at the University of Lincoln.


Jacqueline Rowarth is an adjunct professor at the University of Lincoln.

There is also growing evidence of additional health benefits from the various phytonutrients they contain.

However, in a Research First survey, 64% of respondents said they didn’t meet the recommendation of five or more servings a day because fruits and vegetables were too expensive.

Value, taste and convenience of the food consumed should be considered, not price.

Advice for journalists and authors Michael Pollan Eat sensibly and eat a variety of foods as unprocessed as possible. Not too much. mainly plants. ”

Don’t forget the cheese sandwich.

  • Jacqueline Rowarth has been a vegetarian for almost 50 years. Graham Coles is omnivorous.

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