Home Nutrition Could Gut Health Be the Secret to Happiness?

Could Gut Health Be the Secret to Happiness?

by Universalwellnesssystems

Have you ever felt a ‘thump’ in your stomach when you were nervous or excited? Have you ever been taught to ‘listen to your gut’? We all know that we feel emotions in our bodies.But taking care of our gut health may also be the trick happiness?

The intestine is not just for digestion. research It shows more and more how strong the connection between the brain and the gut is.as if it wasn’t enough cause To protect your gut health! Navigating new health information can be difficult, but don’t worry. I covered you As a nutritionist, I share what I’ve found in my research and tips I share with my clients. If you’ve heard about the gut-brain connection but aren’t quite sure what it means, read on to find out more.

gut-brain connection

The communication system between the gut and brain is known as the gut-brain axis. gut-brain connectionOur digestive tract (GI tract for short) is made up of millions of neurons. These neurons are connected to the brain via nerves in the nervous system, the largest being the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve can pass signals back and forth between the gut and the brain. Besides neurons, the gastrointestinal tract contains trillions of microorganisms (usually bacteria) that are involved in immune function and inflammation. It also releases chemicals that affect how the brain works. for example, Gut bacteria manufacture approximately 95% of the serotonin supplied to the body. (happiness hormone).

more research Scientists and medical professionals are beginning to better understand the relationship between digestion and the way we think. nutritional psychiatry It connects the food we eat to our mental health.Although all mental health symptoms should work with a doctor or therapisttaking care of your gut health may optimize your mood. There are many ways to manage gut health, but here are five of my favorite tips that I always recommend to my clients.

1. Hydration

You may have heard it before, but I’ll say it again. Water is your best friend. Water keeps things moving and helps your body digest the variety of foods you eat every day. In addition, it keeps bowel movements regular. This is important for the health of the microbes that play an important role in the body’s production of serotonin.

A general guideline is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. but, your needs may vary It depends on outside temperature, exercise and age. It may sound simple, but drinking enough water is often a struggle for most people, myself included. carry Water bottle being with you Make sure you drink enough water All day long (bonus if it’s cute!). To take it a step further, try using straws.

2. Choose a fiber

there is different types of fibers with the food we eat. Some act as binding mechanisms that push food into the digestive tract to create regular bowel movements. Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Regardless of the type of food you eat, it’s important to get enough fiber every day. research Eating enough fiber is associated with a more diverse gut microbiota. associated with improved general health.

If you’re not already adding fiber to your diet, don’t stress. Add fiber gradually over a few weeks. Going from low to 25 grams of fiber per day can cause potential gastrointestinal problems such as bloating and cramping. (Think: Add veggies to your lunch, or combine a handful of berries with your breakfast.) Finally, make sure you’re drinking enough water. prevent constipation while adding more fibre.

3. Eat a wide variety of plants

When it comes to diet, variety is the spice of life. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help meet your micronutrient needs. 1 study Those who ate 30 or more plants per week had more diverse gut bacteria than those who ate 10 or fewer. As you prepare your meals, think about the fruits and veggies you can add, such as topping oatmeal with fruit or serving roasted veggies and pasta.try food preparation How about trying dishes that use seasonal fruits and vegetables, or choosing ingredients that you have never eaten before? grocery shoppingPlus, opt for plant-based snacks like mixed nuts, vegetables, hummus, or fruit and yogurt to help end the day.

4. Choose fermented foods

Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut provide good bacteria for your gut and help maintain a diverse gut microbiome. You already know that a diverse gut microbiome means a healthier gut-brain connection, serotonin production, and more. .of one study, researchers determined that individuals who consumed sauerkraut for six weeks improved symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), such as bloating and gas. To reap the benefits of fermented foods, aim to include them in your daily diet. Try topping tacos, salads, or any of your favorite meals with sauerkraut or kimchi, or swap out regular yogurt for probiotic-packed coconut or whole milk yogurt.

5. Make time to stretch

stretch common overlookedespecially when it comes to optimizing gut health. negate the effect It’s part of the time we sit each day, but it helps too improve digestiondownward dog and cat stretches like a cow Great for reducing symptoms of gas and bloating, the overall stretch improves blood flow to your organs, smoothing the digestive process and making your gut-brain connection healthier. Stretching helps relieve stress, is the perfect way to relax after a long day. You don’t need a lot of time to stretch. Even five minutes for him during work hours or before bed can make a difference.

These tips are not intended to serve as a treatment for GI conditions, anxiety, or depression. If you have gastrointestinal symptoms, consult your doctor or gastroenterologist. If you think you may be suffering from depression or anxiety, it’s important to reach out and ask for help. See a doctor, get in touch with a therapist, or talk to a close friend or family member.

Do not ignore or delay seeking professional medical advice because of what you read in this article.

Green tea may be the secret to gut health – we asked the experts

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