Home Nutrition Control hypertension: 7 high-sodium foods to avoid in your diet

Control hypertension: 7 high-sodium foods to avoid in your diet

by Universalwellnesssystems

People with high blood pressure should always check their daily sodium intake. Here are some high-salt foods you should avoid or limit your intake of.

Sodium (salt) is an essential mineral that plays an important role in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction. However, excessive sodium intake can lead to a variety of health complications, especially if you already have high blood pressure, commonly referred to as hypertension. According to health experts, consuming foods high in sodium can exacerbate symptoms of high blood pressure and increase cardiovascular health risks. For your health, you should know which high-sodium foods you should avoid to manage your blood pressure levels.

High Sodium Foods Hypertensive Patients Should Avoid

High blood pressure cannot be completely cured, but it can be managed. To do that, you need to pay attention to your medication, exercise, and diet. Healthshot spoke to nutritionist Vidi Chawla of the Physico Diet Clinic to learn about high-sodium foods that people with high blood pressure should avoid.

“Reducing salt intake is important when it comes to treating hypertension,” Dr. Chawla said. Salt intake becomes even more important.”

Here are seven high-sodium foods to avoid to manage blood pressure.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial to your health. However, some leafy green vegetables such as celery, spinach, carrots and beets contain high amounts of salt that can affect blood pressure levels. If you have consistently high blood pressure, avoid eating these vegetables or eat them in moderation.

To manage high blood pressure, avoid eating too many green leafy vegetables. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

2. Cheese

Cheese is a great source of calcium and protein, but it’s also often high in salt and saturated fat. This means that eating too much cheese can raise your blood pressure and cholesterol and increase your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). If you still want to eat it, choose a low-salt one and eat in moderation.

Also read: High blood pressure: 6 lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of high blood pressure

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3. Canned soups and soups

Many ready-to-eat canned soups and broths are high in salt to enhance flavor and preserve the product. Look for no-salt, low-sodium versions, or choose fresh or frozen. To avoid all these options, prepare your own freshly baked soup.

4. Pickles and processed meat products

Pickles, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods typically contain high amounts of salt due to the pickling process. Processed meats such as hot dogs, sausages, bacon, and deli meats also contain significant levels of sodium as a preservative and flavor enhancer. Therefore, you should limit how often you eat these foods.

Pickles are delicious, but they are not good for people with high blood pressure.Image credit: Shutterstock

5. Bread and baked goods

Some breads and baked goods, especially those made with refined flour, can contain large amounts of sodium. Check the label and choose a low-sodium option when possible.

6. Condiments and salad dressings

Condiments such as soy sauce, ketchup, barbecue sauce, and salad dressings can be important sources of sodium. Use sparingly or choose a reduced-salt version. You can also make your own salad dressing using vinegar, lemon juice, and herbs.

Also read: Low sodium levels can be dangerous.Here’s how to maintain

7. Packaged food

Chips, pretzels, and other processed foods are often high in salt. Choose healthier options like fresh fruits and veggies and hummus, or homemade snacks like air-popped popcorn flavored with herbs and unsalted nuts.

If you crave salty snacks, choose healthier snacks.Image credit: Shutterstock


Remember to check food labels carefully for salt levels in processed and packaged foods. For more control over your salt intake, choose fresh, whole foods and make meals at home whenever possible. In addition to reducing excessive alcohol intake, drinking plenty of water can also help control blood pressure. Additionally, consult a healthcare professional for personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations.

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