Home Fitness Constipation and piriformis muscle: How exercising your buttocks can ease the discomfort

Constipation and piriformis muscle: How exercising your buttocks can ease the discomfort

by Universalwellnesssystems

What can reduce pain and numbness?

Sitting on the toilet for too long can cause the piriformis muscle to put pressure on the sciatic nerve, exacerbating pain, numbness and tingling, Dr. Ann says. “The forward leaning position that most people adopt when sitting on the toilet seat puts even more pressure on the sciatic nerve.”

You’re less likely to feel that sensation while sitting in a chair because the cushion under your buttocks is softer and less straining, she said. “The weight on your buttocks is also distributed over a larger surface area on a chair than on a toilet seat,” Tan says.

To loosen and relax a tight piriformis muscle, and hopefully relieve toilet congestion, there are stretches that “relieves pressure on an inflamed sciatic nerve,” Tan said.

“Strengthening exercises for the other hip muscles, especially those that control abduction, extension and external rotation, are equally important. They ensure optimal distribution of mechanical forces throughout the lower body and reduce strain on the piriformis muscle. It helps.”

Tan recommends two stretching and two strengthening exercises for the piriformis muscle: “Repetition, duration and frequency are recommendations,” he said. “If you experience moderate or severe pain before, during, or after exercise, STOP. Seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional if necessary.”

supine stretch

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