Home Mental Health Connecticut Cops Fired Over Treatment of Man Paralyzed in Police Custody

Connecticut Cops Fired Over Treatment of Man Paralyzed in Police Custody

by Universalwellnesssystems

In Connecticut, two police officers were fired Wednesday night for their actions last year when a man was paralyzed in police custody. Richard “Randy” Cox injured his neck in June 2022 when a police van suddenly braked, handcuffed his hands behind his back and had no seatbelt. police announced. Cox said he was “immobilized” after his injuries, according to police video. “I’m going to die at this rate. Please, please, help me.” Several police officers mocked Mr. Cox when he arrived at the police station and dragged him, drunk, out of the van, according to an internal affairs investigation. It turned out to be an unfair accusation. The New Haven Police Commission voted Wednesday for firefighters Joslyn Lavandier and Luis Rivera. They are one of four police officers already suspended and facing criminal charges in the case. New Haven Mayor Justin Ericker said in a statement Wednesday that what happened to Cox was “unacceptable.”

please read at Associated Press

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