Home Medicine Community Newsletter: Families in crisis; genetics mystery; health determinants | Spectrum

Community Newsletter: Families in crisis; genetics mystery; health determinants | Spectrum

by Universalwellnesssystems

Illustrated by Lauren Boglio

we are in dangerPeople have waited years to get the #autism services they need.My family is suffering,” he tweeted. Sarabeth Broder FingertAssociate professor of pediatrics at the University of Massachusetts Chang School of Medicine in Worcester this week.

Regarding this issue, she explains: autism research Commentary, “Long waiting lists for diagnostic evaluations and a limited professional workforce are causing significant delays.” As a solution, she suggests an approach that allows pediatric primary care physicians to “rule out or rule out autism in children with a clear diagnosis and refer more complex cases for specialist evaluation.”

To give children quick access to the services they need, Ashley Darcy-MahoneyHe is director of infant studies at the Institute for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders at George Washington University in Washington, DC. Corticacare.com doing with welcome visit

Helen Tager FlasbergThe director of the Center for Autism Research at Boston University tweeted: change your system now Prevent future child and family delays. ”

This next thread sheds light on the mysterious genetic regions associated with autism.

“Both common and rare genetic mutations have been linked to autism. biologically convergent?” Dan Weinerasked a Harvard graduate student in a thread explaining what he and his colleagues were new to. paper of natural geneticswhich spectrum Cover previous preprints Community newsletter.

The team found that the short arm of chromosome 16 (which contains the 16p11.2 region, which is home to several copy number variations associated with autism), “has the greatest excess of polygenic effects common to autism.” ” was discovered. The results, Weiner said, “tell the story of an unexpected convergence at his 16p, a longstanding area of ​​mystery in autism research.”

Moving on to the study of different kinds of areas, analysis of The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health One set of school data from over 7 million students examined ‘the incidence of autism in the UK as a function of geographic and sociodemographic’.

“The new book is out! I will analyze it! Social determinants of health #About the incidence of autism,” study author tweeted Andrés Roman-Urestalas, Director of Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Cambridge, UK. “We found that the odds of being diagnosed with autism rose to 1664% in the UK by ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic deprivation.”

“These findings previous research In the US, see Peter Bearman’s CA study,” Tager-Flusberg tweeted.

shine a light on one of the researcher’s images, ,likely to receive

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That’s it for this week’s community newsletter. If you have any interesting social his post suggestions that you have seen in the autism research field, feel free to email me. [email protected].

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Citing this article: https://doi.org/10.53053/FASS8600

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