Home Mental Health Common manipulation techniques that narcissists engage in

Common manipulation techniques that narcissists engage in

by Universalwellnesssystems

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental condition in which a person has an extremely high sense of their own importance. They usually lack empathy and compassion for others and believe that others should always be celebrated. They have difficulty accepting their own faults and believe that others should be held responsible for their faults. Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder include an extreme need for admiration, a complete disregard for other people's feelings, an inability to handle criticism, and a sense of entitlement. People with NPD often use manipulative techniques in their relationships with others to get things their way. “People with NPD consistently exhibit such behavior in their relationships, whereas others may exhibit such behavior only occasionally or in certain situations. In reality, personality “How pervasive and consistent the pattern is is what matters,” writes therapist Jessica Di Stefano.

Common Manipulative Techniques Used by Narcissists (Shutterstock)

Also read: What the fog of narcissistic abuse feels like: A therapist explains

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gaslighting: This is a very harmful manipulative technique in which the narcissist attempts to ignore the other person's reality, making the other person feel ignorant and helpless. They make others question their own thoughts and beliefs.

love bombing: In this technique, the love bomber usually showers the other person with lots of love, attention, affection, and gifts even before they get to know each other. Its purpose is to make people completely emotionally dependent and later exploit those feelings.

ghosting: With this technique, the narcissist may completely stop any kind of communication with the other person, without giving the other person any explanation. This is a power move to make the final decision and avoid conflict.

triangulation: This technique involves a third party to relay messages and make the other person feel jealous or compete for attention or affection.

play the victim: People with NPD react very strongly to criticism. A lack of self-reflection makes them feel that they are the victim and that someone else is to blame for their situation.

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