Home Fitness Commentary: From Hyrox to aerial yoga, fitness ‘fads’ can be a good thing

Commentary: From Hyrox to aerial yoga, fitness ‘fads’ can be a good thing

by Universalwellnesssystems

Getting off the couch is the hardest part.

For many people, getting off the couch is the hardest part of the journey to getting fit, so anything that helps people get started can make a big difference.

When new and interesting fitness trends pop up on social media, some of us are inspired to give it a try. Others see that all their friends are joining in and feel a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) that stops them from getting up from the couch.

FOMO can be a good thing here.

There is often a strong community element, whether it be a CrossFit gym, spin studio, or Hyrox social media group, and this has been shown to be one of the strongest predictors of exercise stickiness (staying with an exercise plan).

Strong camaraderie not only keeps us motivated to keep exercising, it also draws us back in and gives us a sense of belonging and accountability. For Hyrox, this sense of community is felt on a global scale, as the race follows the same format no matter where it takes place.

Research shows that once exercise becomes a habit, people are much more likely to stick with it in the long term. If you jump on the fad and start exercising regularly, you’re more likely to develop a workout routine that sticks. Even if it’s just a fad, it could eventually turn into a lifelong exercise habit.

One of my patients jokingly told me, “I paid S$200 to Hyrox Fitness to torture myself with a friend, and it was a huge success! I’ve never trained so hard or consistently.”

Running alone in the park may be free, but running with friends for money raises the stakes in terms of commitment, responsibility, and even fun.

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