Home Nutrition Combining Olive Oil and Lemon Juice May Have Exponential Health Benefits, According to Science

Combining Olive Oil and Lemon Juice May Have Exponential Health Benefits, According to Science

by Universalwellnesssystems

Lemon juice and olive oil are ingredients used in many of our favorite dishes. But did you know that combining the two has enormous health benefits? Lemon juice alone can help with everything from weight loss to clearer skin. Nutritional and Health Values ​​of Olive Oil is well known. However, when they come together, their impact is amplified. Learn how (and why) incorporating the combination of olive oil and fresh lemon juice can improve your health.

What are the health benefits of olive oil?

Olive oil has a rich history. Cleopatra’s famous golden glow is thought to be the result of bathing olives in his oil. The ancient Greeks regarded olives as “sacred fruits”, while the Romans associated olive oil with their elite society, consuming the liquid to prolong life. A Rich Source of This Healthy Fat and Antioxidants A coveted commodity for centuries. Today it is still a staple of the Mediterranean diet. Here are some reasons why olive oil is special.

Packed with polyphenols.

1 teaspoon of olive oil, specifically extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), rich in polyphenols, It is a natural bioactive compound whose antioxidant properties promote good health. This is good news for those experiencing age-related bone loss. why? Because, according to recent research, Polyphenols in Olive Oil Support Bone Health Helps reduce oxidative stress. In addition, animal studies have revealed that: Consumption of certain polyphenols has a positive effect on bone mass, leading to greater strength. In other words, the polyphenols found in high-quality olive oil can help promote bone health as part of a complete healthy diet.

Promotes heart health.

I knew Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of premature death worldwideThis is a sad but true statistic.?of World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that this deadly disease claims an estimated 17.9 million lives each year.Interestingly, the population living in the Mediterranean region is Low mortality from heart disease. This is likely due to a combination of factors, but high consumption of EVOO is thought to play a role.

This is not the only data suggesting the importance of olive oil in maintaining cardiovascular health. In a 2014 review study, researchers found that participants who consumed the most olive oil were mostly 10% less likely to have heart problems Compared to participants who ate the least amount of olive oil. Additional definitive research is needed, but the science on olive oil so far is promising.

has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chronic inflammation is one of the main causes of many diseases. cancer, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc. EVOO Proven to Help Reduce Inflammationmainly thanks to antioxidant -In particular, Oleocanthal. of The oleic acid in EVOO is also known to help reduce the level of inflammation..

What are the benefits of lemon juice?

The humble lemon may make you purse your lips, but just a spoonful of its juice has many health benefits.

Lemons are rich in antioxidants.

Lemons are an excellent source of a plant compound called flavonoid, It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are Helps protect body cells from damageBy suppressing cell damage, Antioxidants may help reduce overall risk of many health conditions Heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.These powerful compounds do this By eliminating free radicals — Harmful intruders that cause disease, created by oxidative stress. The flavonoids in lemon also help reduce inflammation in the body (and, as mentioned above, Chronic inflammation is a major marker of many diseases).

has an antibacterial effect.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, Lemon juice has antibacterial and antifungal properties It may support overall health.Recent studies have shown that bioactive plant compounds Lemon juice effectively inhibited the growth of staphylococcal, salmonella and candida infectionsThat’s not all.lemon juice too Effective in fighting antibiotic-resistant strains It is known to cause pneumonia and blood infections.

Supports healthy skin.

high in lemon juice The content of vitamin C and vitamin E is especially beneficial for the skin. its powerful antioxidant Supports collagen productionwhich gives elasticity and plumpness to the skin. Lemons are rich in magnesium — Important minerals that promote healthy, supple skin Prevents damage caused by oxidative stress.

Does this home remedy have any benefits?

many people argue that Drinking olive oil and lemon juice together can give you good health results. More research is needed, but the potential benefits of combining the two are numerous.

Cleanse your body naturally.

Cleansing and detoxing are thought to flush out waste and toxins that have built up in the body over time. There are not many studies investigating whether olive oil and lemon juice can help detoxify the digestive system, but research person is Two Antioxidants and Polyphenols Can Be ‘Cleansing’ on the body.

Supports healthy weight loss.

According to research, The vitamin C in lemon juice and the monounsaturated fatty acids in olive oil may help you lose weight. In the human body, vitamin C is essential for the production of carnitine, a compound that transports fat molecules into cells. they are broken down and used as fuel. In other words, Inadequate intake of vitamin C can impair fat breakdown. Furthermore, according to selected studies, A diet high in monounsaturated fatty acids leads to weight loss Similar to weight loss with a low-fat diet.

Promotes proper digestion.

kind Laxative action of olive oil – together Lemon Juice’s Ability to Fight Bloating and Constipation — Improves food digestion.

Is it safe to combine olive oil and lemon juice?

Combining Olive Oil and Lemon Juice is Absolutely SafeIn fact, this natural remedy is a combination of two ingredients found in many cuisines, especially in the Mediterranean region.

Note: If you experience allergies or other negative reactions after consuming olive oil and lemon juice, talk to your healthcare professional.

The last word

So, do olive oil and lemon juice combine health benefits? In a nutshell, yes. Fatty acids and minerals in olive oil, antioxidants and vitamins in lemon juice improve digestion, Prevent premature skin aging more. Of course, more research is needed to back up these claims, but if you’re looking for a simple way to boost your overall health, olive oil and lemon juice can’t hurt.

But keep in mind that olive oil is high in calories and lemon juice is acidic. Can damage tooth enamelIf you are concerned about your calorie intake or have particularly sensitive teeth, consume these ingredients in moderation. and are wondering if olive oil and lemon juice are right for you, talk to your health care provider or nutritionist.

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor before proceeding with any treatment plan.

This article was originally published on our sister site, woman’s world.

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