A young college student who gave birth just 15 minutes after finding out she was pregnant revealed that what she initially thought was ‘appendicitis’ and went to the doctor led to her delivery.
Indiana University student Kayla Simpson, 21, had severe cramps and bleeding and was shocked to see her baby when doctors performed an ultrasound after she thought she was suffering from appendicitis. I was.
This college student, who was suffering from severe menstrual cramps but showed no signs of pregnancy, intended to leave the hospital without an appendix, but instead left with a newborn.
Daughter Maddie was born just 15 minutes after the ultrasound, and everyone was shocked.
Kayla Simpson, 21, a student at Indiana University, didn’t realize she was pregnant until she went to the hospital with “appendicitis” and gave birth.

College student shocked to see baby when doctors performed ultrasound after thinking she had severe period cramps

Her daughter Maddie was born at age 15 after an ultrasound was performed, confusing Maddie’s friends, family and herself.
In a series of viral videos posted on her tick tock Accounts, a college student explained how she knew she was about to give birth.
Kayla explains:
“And like half an hour later, they went really bad.
“So I called my mom thinking I had a ruptured appendix because I was bleeding a lot.
“I was in so much pain that I could hardly speak or move.
“But I was walking, so I could walk. I could do anything. I was in so much pain.”
Kayla and her mother then went to the hospital for tests, assuming doctors would remove her appendix.
“I think my appendix has ruptured. The ER doctor pushed my stomach, but he didn’t suspect anything,” she added.
The doctor saw no signs of appendicitis, so he thought Kayla might have a cyst and suggested giving her an ultrasound.
During an ultrasound, Kayla’s mother spotted a “familiar sight”: tiny baby feet, and doctors rushed her to the labor ward.
“The next thing I noticed was that I was screaming in pain, and the ultrasound made it look like little feet and I started screaming.”
A doctor soon came and told us that Kayla was about to give birth and had a 10 cm dilation.
Fifteen minutes later, Kayla gave birth to her daughter.

During an ultrasound, Kayla’s mom spotted “something familiar” and doctors rushed Kayla to the labor ward.

Kayla has experienced a mysterious pregnancy. This is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed very late in pregnancy or until delivery.

In her viral video, she didn’t know she was pregnant because she was in no pain and had worked “two 12-hour shifts” the day before.
She added that she had no “bumps,” was “the leanest I’ve ever been,” and had regular periods throughout her pregnancy.
Kayla only went into labor an hour before giving birth.
Kayla was shocked, but very happy to be her ‘best friend’ when she came home with a healthy baby.
Kayla said her family and friends have been very supportive, adding that she nicknamed her daughter “Flat Baby” because of an encounter with Maddie’s father.
Kayla and Maddie’s father are no longer together, but according to Kayla, he visits Maddie and helps in any way he can.
Kayla went through a latent pregnancy. This is a mysterious pregnancy that goes unnoticed very late in pregnancy or until delivery.
according to AmericanPregnancy.orgLatent pregnancy, also called latent pregnancy, is when a woman does not know she is pregnant because test methods cannot detect it or she is unaware that she is experiencing symptoms of pregnancy.

Viewers were shocked to hear Kayla’s story, with many describing the mysterious pregnancy as their “worst nightmare.”
Studies estimate that 1 in 475 pregnancies may go undetected or unnoticed until the expectant mother is about 20 weeks pregnant.
1 in 2,500 potential pregnancies are not recognized until labor begins.
Viewers were shocked to hear Kayla’s story, with many describing the mysterious pregnancy as their “worst nightmare.”
One user said:
Another added, “Worst nightmare.”
“The ultimate ‘quickly escalated’ story,” commented another user.
“Well, your appendicitis is absolutely adorable,” joked another user.