Home Health Care Collaborating With Patient Advocacy Organizations

Collaborating With Patient Advocacy Organizations

by Universalwellnesssystems

As a pharmacy student, you will embark on a rewarding and noble profession that is fundamentally committed to patient well-being. While your primary role may be dispensing medications, there are other important aspects that are equally worth noting. It’s patient advocacy. Patient advocacy goes beyond traditional practice and enables a broader impact on health. By working with patient advocacy groups, we can help improve access and quality of health care for all. Pharmacy students and pharmacists must collaborate with patient advocacy groups to benefit the patient experience.

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4 tips for working together for a greater purpose

  1. Provides drug therapy education and counseling. Pharmacists and pharmacy students have specialized drug knowledge and can contribute to patient care by providing drug education. Although most patients take prescribed medications, most pharmacy interactions are transactional. When interacting with patients, pharmacists have a great opportunity to build relationships with patients. There are also opportunities to collaborate with advocacy groups and share resources within pharmacies, such as the Barrier Her Toolkit.1 Also, build trust and deepen relationships by co-creating educational materials, participating in workshops, and giving presentations on various drugs, their uses, potential adverse events (AEs), and interactions. You can also. By actively participating in patient education efforts, pharmacists and pharmacy students can help patients make informed decisions about their health care, improve medication adherence, and ultimately improve patient outcomes. can be improved.
  2. We support access and affordability of medicines. Patient advocacy groups often advocate for fair access to medicines and address issues surrounding their affordability. Pharmacists and pharmacy students can collaborate with these organizations by participating in advocacy efforts that promote policies and programs that increase access to affordable medicines. They can contribute by providing insights on drug pricing, providing expertise on formulation development, and participating in discussions about drug pricing transparency. By using their knowledge and experience, pharmacists and pharmacy students can support patient advocacy groups fighting for fair and affordable access to medicines for all.
  3. Contributing to the development of health policy: Patient advocacy organizations often play an important role in promoting policy changes that benefit patients and promote patient-centered care. Pharmacists and pharmacy students can collaborate with these organizations by becoming active in health policy development. They can provide valuable perspectives on drug-related issues, contribute to the development of evidence-based guidelines, and provide input into efforts to improve drug safety and quality. By participating in policy discussions, pharmacists and pharmacy students can ensure that medication-related concerns are appropriately addressed, leading to improved healthcare outcomes and a more patient-centered healthcare system.
  4. Become an advocate: The Tigerlily Foundation has a national program called the Advocate Now to Grow, Empower and Lead (ANGEL) advocacy program.2 This involves educating individuals on how to be their own best advocates and helping healthcare providers, policy makers, pharmacists and others better understand patients and how to interact with them. . Becoming an ANGEL Advocate allows pharmacists to become health ambassadors in their communities and advocate for patient empowerment. This type of relationship contributes not only to increased health literacy, but also to improved adherence, empowerment, trust, and relationships.

Benefits of working with patient advocacy groups

  1. Enhancing patient care: An article published in the Canadian Pharmacists Journal states: Research has shown that clinical services provided by pharmacists improve patient outcomes, which is the goal of all healthcare professionals. ”3 By collaborating with patient advocacy groups, pharmacy professionals can better understand patient needs, concerns, and challenges. This knowledge will inform medical practices to provide more empathetic and patient-centered care. By actively listening to patients’ stories and experiences, pharmacists can suggest customized solutions and advocate for needed improvements in healthcare services.
  2. Amplify your voice: Collaborating with patient advocacy organizations provides an opportunity to amplify voices on important health care issues. By partnering with these organizations, pharmacy students and pharmacists can contribute to public awareness campaigns, policy discussions, and legislative efforts. Through collective advocacy, we can bring about positive change in health care systems and policies and put patients’ perspectives at the forefront. For example, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) works with patient advocacy groups to advance policies that improve drug safety and access. Through our collective efforts, we have successfully influenced laws and regulations to bring about changes that benefit patients and enhance health care delivery. As an example, the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs released a report on drug shortages that addresses national security risks in the pharmaceutical supply chain and promotes supply chain transparency for the public’s benefit. It incorporates recommendations from ASHP’s advocacy experts that show you how to improve your organization. patient.Four
  3. Build your professional network. Working with patient advocacy organizations exposes pharmacy students and pharmacists to a vast network of professionals and experts in various medical fields. These connections foster mentorship opportunities, expand your professional network, and open doors to collaboration. By joining forces with like-minded people, you’ll join a supportive community committed to making a difference in patient care. For example, the National Patient Advocate Foundation offers a variety of networking opportunities for healthcare professionals, including pharmacists. Through programs and events, pharmacists can connect with other professionals, participate in knowledge sharing, and collaborate on initiatives aimed at improving patient care and access to medicines.Five
  4. Empower your patients: Patient advocates empower individuals to take control of their health and navigate the complexities of the health care system. As a pharmacy professional, you can play an important role in providing patients with the knowledge and resources they need to advocate for themselves. By working with patient advocacy organizations, we can contribute to educational efforts, advocacy, and community support programs that help patients make informed decisions about their health. For example, by collaborating with organizations such as the Tiger Lily Foundation, a breast cancer foundation that aims to provide tools and knowledge to patients before, during, and after a breast cancer diagnosis, pharmacists can provide comprehensive information on breast cancer prevention. You can actively participate in educational efforts by providing information. Early detection and treatment options. They can provide medication counseling sessions to ensure patients fully understand their prescribed medications, potential adverse events, and strategies for compliance. Additionally, through community outreach programs and events, pharmacists can raise awareness about breast cancer risk factors, promote self-testing techniques, and educate communities about the importance of regular screening.


Working with patient advocacy organizations provides students with a unique opportunity to make a meaningful impact on healthcare. Engaging with these organizations not only improves your results, but also amplifies your voice, expands your professional network, and empowers you as an advocate. I encourage pharmacy students to seek out opportunities to collaborate with patient advocacy organizations, seize the opportunity to make a difference, and help create a more patient-centered and equitable health care system. Together, we can transform healthcare for the better.

About the author

maima carmo Founder and CEO of the Tiger Lily Foundation and a 17-year survivor of triple negative breast cancer. Under Karmo’s leadership, the Tigerlily Foundation has launched national and global health initiatives, delivering breast health, education, empowerment, wellness and transformation programs focused on closing disparities for Black women.


  1. Barrier tool kit. Tiger Lily Foundation. 2023. Accessed September 20, 2023. https://www.tigerlilyfoundation.org/barrier-toolkits/
  2. Young Women’s Rights Advocates Now Grow, Empower, and Lead Advocacy Training (ANGEL). Tiger Lily Foundation. 2023. Accessed September 20, 2023. https://www.tigerlilyfoundation.org/programs/angel/
  3. Bockler L, Despin R, Holmes J, et al. Advocacy in pharmacy: Changing “what should be” to “what should be.” Can Farm J (Otto). 2015;148(3):138-141. doi:10.1177/1715163515577693
  4. Abramowitz PW. ASHP’s advocacy priorities support patients and pharmacy professionals. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. April 26, 2023. Accessed September 20, 2023. https://www.ashp.org/about-ashp/ceo-blogs/recent-blogs/ashp-advocacy-priorities-support-patients-and-pharmacy-profession?loginreturnUrl =SSO check only
  5. about. National Patient Advocacy Foundation. 2023. Accessed September 20, 2023. https://www.npaf.org/about/

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