Home Health Care Clear contrasts between the Democratic and Republican Parties’ positions on reproductive rights and health care

Clear contrasts between the Democratic and Republican Parties’ positions on reproductive rights and health care

by Universalwellnesssystems

Abortion Top Questions In the 2024 election, “among voters” in battleground states[ing] A Times/Siena College poll released in August found that abortion will be at the center of decisions this fall, ranking as the “most important issue” for women under 45.

On September 3, Vice President Kamala Harris “Fight for Reproductive Freedom” Bus Tour Florida has been a state where Democrats lost the last two presidential elections, but this year abortion is on the ballot. On November 5, Floridians Fixes The bill would restore legal access to abortion “before viability is possible or when a patient’s health care provider determines that an abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s health.” Florida currently has Abortion ban at 6 weeksThe law was signed by Governor Ron DeSantis. Dobbs.

The Harris bus tour started about a 20-minute drive from Mar-a-Lago, the former president’s residence. Expressed responsibility For the collapse of egg Under Dobbs This decision is made by multiple State abortion bans and strict Impact Critical of women’s abilities in prohibited states or Life-saving medicine It may necessarily involve abortion. September 10th Presidential DebateHarris spoke directly to the Post.egg Women who suffered miscarriages or bled in hospital car parks because doctors refused to treat them for fear of prosecution.

Another presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, He boasted about flipping it over. Roe v. Wade As a highly significant personal achievement. Public Opinion Poll However, evidence shows that a majority of Americans support the legalization of abortion. Reproductive rights advocates win About the abortion ballot measure Dobbs Conservative states such as Ohio, Kansas and Kentucky have passed abortion laws. Ballot Trump has sought to downplay his involvement in key states such as Florida, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona, where the abortion issue is weighing heavily on his campaign and the Republican Party itself in November. Recent Comments Trump has said abortion policy should be left to individual states and has publicly said he would not support a nationwide ban on abortion, but during the debate he repeatedly refused to answer whether as president he would veto a bill that included such a ban, rejecting the question as a hypothetical while claiming he had done the country a “great service” by helping to repeal abortion laws. egg.

The Alabama Supreme Court decision poses a threat to in vitro fertilization (IVF) Frozen Embryos Are Children And the corresponding religious views held by some in the anti-abortion movement are: The fertilized egg is a full-fledged human being, Trump He would require insurance companies to cover the cost of IVF and said the federal government would cover the cost of IVF for all Americans who need it.

He is trying to convince women who want to take back their reproductive rights. Suggested He called Florida’s six-week abortion ban “too short” and said he would “vote to require more than six weeks.” But then his campaign I retracted this statementTrump suggested he hadn’t yet said how he would vote in Florida as he sought to further rehabilitate his position on abortion for his far-right evangelical supporters. Spreading disinformation Trump’s claim that it’s legal in some states to execute babies after they’re born — a false statement he repeated during the debate, prompting one of the debate moderators to fact-check it — was just one of several abortion evasions he’s made in recent weeks.

But Trump’s attempts to obfuscate the abortion policies of his party and future administrations are clear in what he has said about the 2024 presidential campaign. Republican Platform and, 2025 Presidential Transition Project (also known as Project 2025) is a detailed blueprint for reforming the executive branch issued by the Heritage Foundation. At least 140 people He worked in the former Trump administration.

The word “abortion” is used in the 28-page Republican Party platform:[w]”I oppose late-term abortion and support mothers and policies that promote prenatal care, access to contraception, and in vitro fertilization,” it states. But this statement must be understood in the context of the sentence immediately preceding it: “We believe that the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees that no person shall be denied life or liberty without due process, and therefore states are free to enact laws to protect these rights.” By invoking the Fourteenth Amendment in the context of abortion, the platform projects consistency with a religious belief that a fertilized egg, or “fetus,” is a full-fledged person deserving of all the rights and protections granted by the U.S. Constitution. Neither abortion nor in vitro fertilization, in which some embryos may be discarded, is in keeping with this “conviction.”personality” However, the platform’s limited and codified treatment of abortion: Trump’s stated beliefs The issue has negatively impacted the Republican Party and his standing as a candidate for women.

But the Republican platform’s brief treatment of abortion should not be separated from Project 2025, a 922-page document filled with examples of the word abortion and detailed plans for how a Republican administration should advance “pro-life” policies and, in so doing, further restrict reproductive rights and access to reproductive health care.

Project 2025’s clear anti-abortion position and goals are summarized in the document’s preamble, which declares, “Conservatives should celebrate with gratitude the greatest pro-family victory in a generation: the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a decision that for 50 years has made a mockery of the Constitution and contributed to the deaths of tens of millions of unborn children. But Dobbs is just the beginning.”

A nationwide ban on abortion has emerged as a key goal, with the document directing:[c]”Conservatives in the states and in Washington, including the next conservative administration, should do everything they can to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in America. In particular, the next conservative president should work with Congress to enact the strongest protections for the unborn that Congress supports.”

Among the most notable ideas and policies that have been interpreted to achieve these outcomes, which are presented in the remainder of this document, are the following:

  • The action focused on blocking access to medication abortions nationwide. 63% of all abortions In 2023, the overall percentage is probably higher because it doesn’t include pills mailed to states with abortion bans, which is a particularly convenient way to get around abortion bans. From Project 2025’s perspective, “[a]Abortion pills pose the greatest threat to the fetus in the later stages of pregnancy.egg Thus, Project 2025 recommends that the FDA “withdraw its approval of chemical abortion drugs” and “stop promoting or approving abortions by mail.” It also recommends that the Department of Justice “enforce the Comstock Act,” a law passed in 1873 that, read literally, would make it illegal to distribute any type of abortion drug by mail, essentially creating a nationwide ban on medication abortions.
  • Prevent both HHS and CDC from treating or promoting abortion as medical care. In line with this goal and to advance the “pro-life agenda,” Project 2025 states that HHS should be known as the “Department of Life” by “explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is medical care.” Thus, Project 2025 recommends that the next HHS Secretary eliminate the current HHS Reproductive Access Task Force and replace it with a “Pro-Life Task Force that will ensure that all parts of the Department use their authority to strive to promote the life and health of women and unborn children.” As for the CDC, Project 2025 recommends “eliminating programs and projects that do not respect the right to human life and consciousness and undermine family formation.” This includes the types of research it chooses to fund.
  • Prohibit federal funding of abortion care, including assisting women in traveling outside of their states to receive abortions. Project 2025 would also prohibit Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from receiving Medicaid funds. Two steps recommended to advance this goal would be for HHS to “[i]”We will issue guidance reemphasizing that states have the freedom to defund Planned Parenthood in their state Medicaid plans.”[p]”Proposes rulemaking to interpret Medicaid law and exclude elective abortion providers from the Medicaid program.”

In contrast, the Democratic Party platform, written when President Biden was still the Democratic presidential nominee, has its own section on “reproductive freedom” and embraces the idea that abortion is medical care. egg“More than 20 states have imposed extreme and dangerous abortion bans, many of which contain no exceptions for rape or incest. These bans endanger women’s health and lives, force women to travel hundreds of miles for treatment, and threaten to criminalize doctors for providing the care that patients need and that doctors are trained to provide.”

Platforms are looking at different actions Photo taken during the Biden-Harris administration As a foundation for ongoing efforts to protect reproductive rights and health care. Some of the most notable efforts that are in direct opposition to policies promoted by Project 2025 include allowing pharmacies to prescribe medication abortions and defending the FDA’s medication abortion approval in court, expanding reproductive health care for military and veterans, defending access to emergency abortion care, challenging Republican Attorneys General’s threats to prosecute those who assist women who travel out of state for abortion care, and assisting states in expanding Medicaid access to people traveling from states where they are denied access to abortion care.

Going forward, the platform states that Democrats will work to restore abortion rights through legislation (assuming a fully Democratic-controlled Congress), protect the right to IVF, strengthen access to contraception, continue to support access to medication abortions, etc. The platform also indicates that Democrats will work to repeal abortion laws. The Hyde AmendmentIt would “limit federally funded abortions under major federal health care programs.”

The contrast between each party’s platform and policies is clear. Simply put, the Democratic Party platform states, “President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the Democratic Party are committed to restoring reproductive rights that Trump has taken away.” eggTrump’s rhetoric resembles the defensive movements of a boxer, who ducks, moves up and down, and dodges to avoid punches. Deny Project 2025 has attempted to blur Republican positions and plans, and has backtracked on some positions Depict He described his future administration as “great for women and their reproductive rights.”

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