Home Nutrition Chocolate milk ban in school cafeterias reportedly considered by USDA

Chocolate milk ban in school cafeterias reportedly considered by USDA

by Universalwellnesssystems

Boston – A glass of cold chocolate milk. Nothing beats this. Not everyone agrees.

wall street journal report The US Department of Agriculture is considering a ban on flavored milk for elementary and middle school students.

Chocolate milk may have the same amount of added sugar as soda, the agency said. They are considering two options for him. One is to limit the use of chocolate milk to high schools only, and the other is to allow the use of chocolate milk with new restrictions on the addition of sugar.

“I’m a nurse too, and I don’t think it’s likely to work for juvenile diabetes,” Caroline Lucas said while picking up her child from a school in Watertown.

Boston public schools have already removed chocolate milk from their cafeterias, but other schools, such as Watertown, still serve chocolate milk.

Watertown mother Tracy Harrington said, “It’s not the school that teaches our children, it’s my job as a parent to teach them what they should and shouldn’t have. I think it’s work,” he said.

But the New England Dairy Company, which represents local dairy producers, argues that flavored milk has important benefits.

“Calcium, vitamin D and potassium,” said Erin Hallley, director of youth wellness at New England Dairy. “Those three ingredients, he says, are not getting enough for kids, but the truth is kids love flavored milk.”

Boston University nutrition professor Joan Sarge-Blake, PhD, said schools and parents should compromise.

“Put half the sweetened milk in a cup and the other half just plain low-fat or skim milk, Viola! You’ll have a full cup of sweetened milk, and less sugar per sip,” Blake says. said.

According to the USDA, many students eat most of their meals at school and want their meals to be as healthy as possible.

“From a public health perspective, these flavored milks have a lot of added sugar, so people try to limit their intake,” said Erica Lauren Kenny, a professor of nutrition at Harvard’s TH Chan School. It makes a lot of sense,” he said. The Public Health Service told the newspaper.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the USDA’s decision on flavored milk is due early next year and will go into effect in 2025-26.

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