Home Mental Health Children who wish to change gender may have mental health issues, report warns

Children who wish to change gender may have mental health issues, report warns

by Universalwellnesssystems

Children who believe they are transgender may actually have mental health problems, a landmark report will find this week.

Children should not be rushed through the process of gender change and are expected to be advised to seek counseling to address any mental health issues they may be having, rather than putting them on medication.

Pediatrician Dr Hilary Cass will on Wednesday publish a long-awaited review into how transgender children are supported and the medical care they receive.

Concerns arise over children being allowed to change their gender at school without the parents knowing or with consent and after the regular prescription of puberty blockers has been banned by the NHS in England.

The Telegraph understands the report finds that children who disproportionately identify as transgender are suffering from mental health problems stemming from difficult home environments and abuse. are doing. They are also more likely to be neurodiverse.

Counseling that addresses problems comprehensively

It is hoped that these children will suggest that counseling is needed to address these issues holistically, rather than being automatically imposed on them. proceed on the path of gender change.

The report warns that it is a mistake to think that it is in the best interests of children who identify as transgender to change their gender, and warns that it is a mistake to think that it is in the best interests of children who identify as transgender to change their gender, and says that drugs such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to facilitate gender change are a mistake. It is expected that the government will ask people to be extremely careful when using drugs. , at least once someone is over 18 years old.

The study also expressed concern about the significant increase in the number of girls wanting to be boys, and said this group needed more support.

Downing Street said on Monday the government would act on the report to ensure the safety of children and young people.

A spokesperson for the prime minister said: “We have discussed that the safety and welfare of children and young people is our top priority.”

“This is part of our previous commitments, including the NHS announcement that puberty blockers will no longer be routinely prescribed, and behind our strong and clear guidance for schools. Social Transition It is adamant that it is not a neutral act and no one should be forced to use preferred pronouns or accept controversial beliefs as fact.

“We also say there is still work to be done in this area and we will consider it once the review is published.”

He added: “The government recognizes the impact that social transition has on children and young people and has taken a number of measures in this area, making it clear that same-sex spaces must be protected.” Ta.

Cath’s interim report for 2022 will ensure that children are allowed social transition within their schools, meaning they are allowed to change their names and pronouns and use the toilets and changing rooms of the gender they identify with. “It’s not a neutral act,” he said.

Concerns were also raised about NHS gender identity and development services at Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust in London.

Children who identify as transgender may have other problems

The mid-term review will see NHS England close the Tavistock service and replace it with regional centers that will take a more “holistic” approach to treatment and look at other mental health and medical issues you may have. Became.

Dr Cass’ final report is expected to conclude that there may be many complex reasons why a child may think they are the wrong gender.

This means that children who come forward as transgender may have other complex issues, such as having a difficult home environment, suffering abuse, or being exposed to pornography too early. is considered to be advised to therapists.

For this reason, cases must be judged comprehensively.

This review also found that allowing very young children to transition may result in them growing up with a fixed transgender identity later in life, rather than having their gender concerns resolved through other means. It is believed that the conclusion is that there is a high degree of sex.

Dr Cass’s report is understood to say pre-adolescent children should not be put on the same “path” as older young people who wish to identify as the opposite sex.

“Psychological impact”

It is expected to warn that children could experience “psychological” effects as a result of being allowed to change their name or pronouns to the gender of their choice.

Last month, the NHS announced an immediate ban on prescribing puberty blockers to under-18s unless they take part in a clinical trial. Ministers said the “landmark decision” was in the “best interests” of children and ensured that young people who do not feel they identify with their gender are treated on the basis of medical evidence. He said it would help ensure that.

But campaigners warn there are loopholes as there is no way to prevent transgender children from obtaining puberty blockers from private clinics.

In 2021-22, the NHS reported more than 5,000 referrals to Tavistock, up from just under 250 people questioning their gender a decade ago.

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