Home Products CDC Warns Of Potential Mpox Resurgence In Coming Months

CDC Warns Of Potential Mpox Resurgence In Coming Months

by Universalwellnesssystems

Federal health officials have warned that mpox cases, after a nine-month steady decline nationwide, could “recur” in the coming months.

“Mpox may return in the spring-summer season of 2023 as people gather at festivals and other events,” said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. said in Monday’s alert For healthcare workers.

Cases of infection with this virus, formerly called monkeypox, remained low Since peaking in the United States last August, when 646 cases were reported in a single day. However, according to the CDC, a cluster was recently reported in the Chicago area.

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According to the CDC, the number of MPOX cases has been on a downward trend since peaking last August.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In the last 18 days, the city health department has confirmed 12 confirmed cases and 1 probable case. All cases between April 17 and May 5 were symptomatic males, 69% of whom had received both doses of the ginneos mpox vaccine.

The CDC said it didn’t know why so many vaccinated people were infected. We also don’t know if these people have weakened immunity after vaccination or if the virus mutates. The agency said it was conducting research to determine how long post-vaccination immunity lasts.

No vaccine is 100% effective in preventing infection, but it may reduce the chances of contracting and spreading the virus, and may reduce symptoms. the CDC said.

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Mpox is transmitted through close personal contact, such as skin-to-skin contact or sexual intercourse.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Dr. Jay Varma, Director of the Center for Pandemic Prevention and Response at Weill Cornell University said: told CNN There is a “very real risk” of a surge in the next few months, but probably not as big as last year, he said.

“This is because many people at risk were either infected or vaccinated,” Varma said.

Vaccine coverage is still fairly low, but An estimated 23% of the population is at risk of mpox According to the CDC, he is fully vaccinated.

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A dose of the mpox vaccine is seen being prepared at a mobile vaccination clinic in California in 2022. The Jynneos vaccine is given in two doses 28 days apart.

MediaNews Group/Orange County Registered via Getty Images

Vaccination is recommended for people at high risk of mpox exposure. This includes men who have sex with multiple male partners or who have recently had multiple sexual partners.

Mpox is most commonly spread by close and sustained physical contact, but the current pandemic is almost exclusively associated with sexual contact.

of symptoms This includes rashes on the hands, feet, chest, face, mouth, or near the genitals. This looks like a pimple or blister at first and can be painful and itchy. Infected people may also experience flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle aches.

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