Home Medicine Castor Oil In Belly Button Trend: Health Benefits & Risks

Castor Oil In Belly Button Trend: Health Benefits & Risks

by Universalwellnesssystems

Applying the bean oil to the navel is not a new thing, but it is expected to be effective and has attracted many topics in social media. The supporters of this act, also known as the navel pull, argue that they are also effective for bloating, abdominal pain, and sleep. Just massage a few drops on the navel and exert its effect.

Pulpo oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted by compressing and extracted from India, Africa and the Middle East. Dense and sticky oils have been used for thousands of years for medical, beauty and industrial purposes. It can be oral intake or applied to the skin. Not used for cooking.

Currently, pork oil is sold at pharmacies and is added to cosmetics and detergents. Depending on the type of castor oil, some are intended for intake (USP grade or food grades), and some are for skin and hair only.

Like a cheap and simple health hack, you may be wondering if it is effective to put a pillow oil on your navel or just an exaggerated advertisement. So what is science saying?

According to doctors, we will introduce what we know about napping using the pillow oil, potential health benefits and risks, and how to do it safely.

What is a navel pull?

Navel removal is the act of applying a pork oil to the navel, and is usually applied to that part, or a flash oil pack (a cloth that soaks a fluffy oil).

This is derived from Ayurveda medicine, and is thought to promote relaxation and support the overall health, and Dr. Zakary Marbihir, a doctor of the New York Elderly Church, Dr. Zakary Marbihir. I talked to.

He added that pork oil is a common treatment in Chinese medicine.

Hinashi oil health benefits

The castor oil and its compounds have anti -inflammatory, laxatives, and moisturizing effects, and can have health benefits by taking or applying local applications.

The US Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau has approved the first use, that is, an irritating laxative. Dr. Adil Balcha, a Mayo clinic digestive physician, can relieve constipation that occasionally occurs when consuming a small amount of pork oil, and it is safe to use it at an appropriate dose according to the doctor’s instructions. I talked to. It is necessary to use it for a short period of time, not as a daily treatment.

Pulpo oil is a powerful laxative that stimulates the intestine and causes diarrhea. “This is not a laxative that I usually recommend, because this is too powerful and bad,” says Marvichill.

The pork oil is rich in fat that acts as a natural skin softening agent. “The pork oil is very abundant, 85-95 % (about),” says Marvichill. He added that this omega -9 fatty acids are known for their moisturizing characteristics, moisturizing the skin and can help reduce inflammation.

Some claim that pupil oil is effective for hair removal, menstrual cramps, and eye diseases. However, there is no scientific evidence that supports these advantages. Research on the analgesic effects of podium oil and infection prevention effects are also limited.

The history of pillow oil is old, and there are abundant anecdotes on other purposes, but research has pros and cons. “There is a lot of inconsistent information in the traditional community,” says Marvichill.

Be sure to consult your doctor before using pork oil.

How to use podium oil for your navel

It may be a trend in Tiktok to apply the brotay oil to the navel, but people have been doing it for a long time.

Normally, a warm pupil oil is massaged to draw a circle around the navel, and leave it until it is absorbed. The navel is considered an important point of the body. Immediately behind it is the abdominal nerve plexus, which is a sensitive nerve network. “It’s like a big energy center,” said Malchiville.

Another common method is to use a pork oil pack. This is often applied to the abdomen for a long time with a cloth immersed in the pork oil. “The idea is that this pack contains a large amount of oil, contains more oil than it can rub on the abdomen, and puts a heated pad on it to help absorb.” Malvichill says.

Is it effective to put a fluffy oil in my navel?

In Tiktok, people argue that adding a flashing oil in the navel can relieve the bloating, relieves pain, helps to reduce fat, and promote sleep. It is all based on the idea that it is absorbed by applying a flag oil locally and has some effect in the body.

According to experts, there is no scientific evidence that supports these claims about applying poddy oil to the navel.

Malvichill pointed out that this habit would certainly have a sense of security. However, he pointed out that the digestion -related advantage of pulling the navel is more related to the navel and abdominal massage rather than the effects of the pupil oil absorbed by the skin.

“Putting oil on your stomach when you have a sense of bloating or constipation will probably be effective,” said Malvichill and added that the intestine was behind it.

Malvichill explains that massaging the abdomen clockwise can imitate the natural motor of the colon and can help to move stools and gas. Warm oil calms your feelings.

That being said, pulling the navel is a complementary treatment rather than a first -choice treatment for swelling. “First, I’m trying to find out what is the problem with your meal,” says Marvichill.

Some people use a pillow oil pack to remove menstrual pain, intestinal health, and toxins. There is no science that supports these claims. Thanks to the liver and kidneys, the body can detoxify itself.

If you want to enjoy the digestive effect of the pillow oil, it is most effective to consume the pork oil for constipation. “The only evidence that is super powerful is that it is a laxative, and that FDA approves,” says Marvichill.

Talk to your doctor about the type and dose of the castor oil to be used. “If it’s a food grade, you don’t have to worry about applying it to your skin, but there’s no opposite effect,” says Marvichill.

If you want to try out the navel, do it safely.

Risk of castor oil contained in the navel

According to Malvichill, applying dashi oil to the navel is generally safe and unlikely to be harmful to most people. However, if you apply a pigeon oil locally, you may have the following potential side effects.

  • rash
  • Skin irritation
  • itch
  • Pore ​​clogging

Pulpo oil can cause skin allergic reactions called contact dermatitis. If you have never used a pillow oil, it is recommended that you do a patch test for Malchibiru. Apply a small amount of oil to the forearm and wait 24 hours while observing whether there are any signs of allergic reactions.

According to Malvichill, do not use pork oil for open wounds, cuts, or active inflammatory skin. Please do not get into your eyes.

According to Malvichill, the safest way to warm the pillow oil is to pour the pillar oil into a glass container and put it in a bowl with warm water. Never use the microwave oven, as oil may become more dangerous and cause burns.

Malvichill says that pregnant or breastfeeding people should avoid the use of pork oil because of the potential risk. If you are concerned about the use of pillow oil, be sure to consult a doctor.

What is the conclusion? If you apply a pork oil to your navel, there is probably no pain. “It may not be very useful, so we just meet our expectations,” says Marvichill.

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