Home Products Cases spread as state defies CDC guidance

Cases spread as state defies CDC guidance

by Universalwellnesssystems

Two Florida children have been infected with measles after the state’s top health official defied federal guidance to stop an outbreak at an elementary school.

Six children at Manatee Bay Elementary School in Westin, near Fort Lauderdale, contracted the disease more than a week ago. New state health data displayed There were two additional cases in Broward County, involving children under the age of 5 and children between the ages of 5 and 9.

The new cases bring the total to eight, but Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo said the highly contagious and preventable disease is spreading again globally and in the United States. Days after going against guidance from the federal government and medical experts to stop the virus, Florida is one of 11 states with the highest number of cases. Cases seen this year.

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