Home Fitness Can’t do a pushup? These 4 exercises will help you get there

Can’t do a pushup? These 4 exercises will help you get there

by Universalwellnesssystems

Push-ups may be one of the most intimidating exercises. I've been a personal trainer for over 10 years, but I'm still scared of being a personal trainer.

This move may seem easy, but once you try it, you'll quickly realize that it's one of the most difficult bodyweight exercises you can do. strength training exercises.Because it's not just necessary arm strengthbut it moves your entire body at once, from your core to your hips.

This is great for getting a lot of bang for your buck during your workout. But it also opens the door to injury. Push-ups can cause muscle tension if done incorrectly. return, neckshoulders and even hips.

That's why it's so important to learn the correct form and start with modifications until you reach the perfect movement.

Benefits of push-ups

Push-ups are a full-body exercise, which means they strengthen and tone almost your entire body. This exercise is for shoulders, chest, triceps, abs and torso. Also, I always tell people, buttocks Perform your quads in a plank position for added stability.

Because push-ups recruit your core muscles to stabilize your body, you'll also experience core-strengthening benefits, including overall strength and stability. better posture and less risk lower back injury.

Common push-up mistakes

Push-ups are so difficult and recruit so many muscles that it's easy to do them incorrectly. The most common mistake I see people make is sagging their hips and arching their lower back. This movement is plank position, keep your body in a straight line. Sagging hips indicate that your core isn't working properly, which can put stress on your back and lead to pain and injury.

To assess whether you are doing this form incorrectly, perform push-ups in front of a mirror. Your body compensates for lack of muscle strength by sagging your hips and arching your back. So if you notice something like this happening to your body, you probably core strength Doing push-ups properly (or even having push-ups, not really) Properly engage the core To maintain a plank position! ). To correct this mistake when performing push-ups:

  • Pay attention to your body position, especially keeping your hips square and your core engaged.

  • Place your shoulders over your wrists.

  • Extend your spine by reaching your heels toward the back of the room and the crown of your head toward the front of the room.

  • Make sure your hips are level with your shoulders.

  • If you can't keep your hips in this position, try a modified push-up on your knees.

How to do push-ups for beginners: modified push-ups

It's okay if you still can't perform a full push-up with proper form. Start with a fixed version and gradually improve it. There are several different modified pushup options for building your core. upper body strength Then you can prepare for real trading. Modified push-ups with knees are one of the most popular modified methods. And they're still a great workout!

Start in a push-up position with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your palms pressed into the mat. Instead of standing on your tiptoes, place your knees on the mat and cross your ankles in the air. Pull your belly button toward your spine, making sure your spine remains straight from your neck to your tailbone. Slowly begin to bend your elbows to your sides and lower your chest until your chin touches or almost touches the mat. Return to starting position and repeat.

how to do push ups

Performing push-ups correctly requires some practice and self-awareness. The following step-by-step instructions will help you get there.

  1. Start by getting on all fours and placing your palms on the mat a little wider than shoulder width apart.

  2. Make sure your arms are straight. Extend your legs straight behind you and tuck your toes underneath to get into a plank position.

  3. Bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest almost touches the mat.

  4. Pause in this position for a few seconds, then press down on the ground, straighten your elbows, and push your body up.

  5. Return to starting position and repeat.

4 exercises to help you do push-ups more effectively

If your push-ups feel unsteady or you notice your hips sagging and your back arching, here are some exercises you can do to build the core and arm strength needed to properly perform a complete push-up. There are several.

high push-ups

Performing push-ups with your hands on a high surface, such as a chair or a wall, allows you to perform the same movement with a lighter weight. This will help you practice correct form and gradually build core and arm strength. The less you tilt, the easier it will be. So start at the wall, then move to your desk or table, and finally your chair or steps. Simply place your hands on a high surface, keep your body in a straight line, and do push-ups. Repeat this 10 times.


Holding a plank in a push-up position will develop the core strength needed for a regular push-up. Get into a plank position with your palms on the mat and your arms and legs straight. Press and hold for about 10 seconds. Well then, please rest. Gradually increase the amount of time you can hold the plank until you reach 1 minute.

diagonal twist

This exercise can be done with or without weights.In any case, you will train your core. Place your butt on the ground, step your legs out in front of you, and bend your knees. Place your hands in front of your chest and twist your entire torso to the right so that your hands are on the right side of the mat, then twist your entire torso to the left so that your hands are on the mat on the left side of your body . Twist 10 times on each side.

flutter kick

Lie down with your back on the ground and your arms straight down by your sides. Lift both feet off the ground and begin kicking your left and right legs up and down, alternating. Remember to tighten your core and keep your back on the ground. When your back begins to lift, bend your knees slightly to keep your lower back attached to the mat.

More ways to master movements:

This article was first published today.com

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