Home Medicine Cannabis use linked to psychosis among adolescents • Earth.com

Cannabis use linked to psychosis among adolescents • Earth.com

by Universalwellnesssystems

Comprehensive review published in BMJMore Cannabis use can be particularly harmful during adolescence, people with mental disorders, pregnancy and driving.

However, the review also highlights the efficacy of cannabidiol, a compound found in cannabis, in treating epilepsy and the usefulness of cannabis-based medicines for multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, inflammatory bowel disease, and palliative care. doing.

research focus

The recommendations are based on a “comprehensive review” of 101 cannabis and health meta-analyses, synthesizing previous meta-analyses and providing a high-level summary of the evidence on specific topics.

Researchers say that while a growing number of studies are investigating the effects of cannabinoids on health and other outcomes, most studies are observational and subject to bias, so it is difficult to draw firm conclusions. pointed out that it is difficult to

To address this, an international team pooled data from hundreds of individual studies published between 2002 and 2002, using 50 meta-analyses of observational studies and 51 randomized controlled trials. Our meta-analysis assessed the reliability and certainty of more than 500 reported associations between cannabis and health. 2022.

Evidence is rated as high, moderate, low, or very low certainty in randomized trials and compelling, suggestive, suggestive, weak, or weak in observational studies, based on quantitative criteria. rated as not significant.

Increased risk of psychosis

Researchers found an increased risk of cannabinoid-related psychosis in the general population, based on at least suggestive levels of evidence in observational studies and moderate-certainty evidence in trials.

Specifically, the study found that cannabis use was associated with psychosis during adolescence (during brain development) and with relapse of psychosis in people with mental disorders. This suggests that cannabis use increases the risk of developing psychotic disorders and worsens post-onset clinical outcomes.

Increased psychotic symptoms

The study also found associations between cannabis use and common psychiatric symptoms such as depression and mania, as well as memory, memory, and memory, based on weak to suggestive observational evidence and high to moderate-certainty trial evidence. A relationship with negative effects on language and visual recall was also revealed.

Given that the peak age of onset of mental health disorders is consistent with the age pattern of cannabis use disorders, in the mid-teens to early 20s when adolescents and young adults are still in their education, these associations are likely. Gender is of particular concern.

additional risk

There was little convincing level of observational evidence to suggest an association between cannabis use and car crashes. Compelling observational evidence also indicates that cannabis use during pregnancy is associated with the risk of having a small, low birth weight infant.

However, the study found that cannabidiol was beneficial in reducing seizures in certain types of epilepsy, while cannabis-based medications were effective in reducing the pain and muscle stiffness (spasticity) of multiple sclerosis, as well as chronic pain in various conditions. It has been found to be beneficial in pain and palliative care. harmful event.

Limitations of research

This umbrella review is the first to bring together observational and intervention studies on the effects of cannabinoids on humans. However, the researchers noted that most results related to cannabis use were supported by weak evidence, with low or very low certainty, or were insignificant.

Other limitations include differences in cannabis content in products, the fact that not everyone experiences the same effects of cannabis use on mental health and cognition, and that randomized trials are representative of real-world populations. including that it may not be possible.

cannabis use regulation

Nonetheless, researchers consider this to be an important consideration for legal and public health policymakers and researchers when making policy decisions regarding regulation of cannabinoid use, and when planning future epidemiological and experimental research agendas. It recommends that consolidation of evidence should be considered.

Experts also want future guidelines for translating current findings into clinical practice and involving stakeholders in the process.

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