Home Products Cancer rates are rising among young people. What steps should they take to reduce their risk?

Cancer rates are rising among young people. What steps should they take to reduce their risk?

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In a disturbing global trend, new cancer cases among young people are surging.

Young-onset cancers, defined as cancer cases diagnosed before age 50, are increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. 79%.

In the United States, the American Cancer Society reported that the demographics of cancer patients are as follows: increasingly changing From elderly people to middle-aged people. From 1995 to 2020, overall cancer incidence decreased among adults aged 50 and older, but the increase was significant among those under 50.

Why are cancer rates higher in young people? Does this mean people should start screening for cancer at a younger age? Who should be most concerned? And what precautions should young people consider?

To answer these questions, we spoke to CNN wellness expert Dr. Liana Wen. Wen is an emergency physician, and George is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Washington. She previously served as the health commissioner for the city of Baltimore.

CNN: What is the most deadly cancer in young people?

Dr. Liana Wen: The type of early-onset cancer that causes the highest number of deaths and burden worldwide is breast cancer. Tracheal cancer, bronchial cancer, lung cancer.Gastric and colorectal cancer, according to a 2023 study published in the journal BMJ Oncology.

These are similar statistics for the elderly population.inside America, Lung cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer are the top four causes of cancer death.The American Cancer Society’s report specifically highlighted colorectal cancerIt is now the number one cause of cancer death for men under 50 and the second leading cause of death for women under 50.

CNN: Why are more people under 50 getting cancer?

Wen: I have several hypotheses. Some researchers point out that obesity rates have increased over the past few decades. Associated with early cancer risk.In this context, dietary changes, specifically increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foodsand sedentary lifestyle It is also associated with increased cancer incidence. Some speculate that environmental factors, such as carcinogens released into the air, water, and food supply, may be involved.

CNN: Should people start screening for cancer at a younger age?

Wen: This is a complex question, but I think it’s best answered by considering the recommendations for populations and the recommendations for individuals.

Guidelines from major medical organizations and federal policy-making agencies are based on recommendations for people at average risk. Most people should follow these guidelines.

For example, in the United States, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that people: Start colorectal cancer screening from age 45. The task force also released draft recommendations establishing the age at which women should begin mammography screening. 40 years old. Both revisions represent changes to the guidelines. Before 2021, it was recommended to start colon cancer screening at age 50. The mammography changes were only proposed last year and have not yet been finalized. Before this recommendation, most women were advised to start mammography. at age 50.

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People with a family history of breast cancer may need to start mammography at an earlier age.

These guidelines will continue to be revised in the future. Researchers will consider factors such as demographic changes and the effectiveness of screening tools.

Those at average risk should follow existing guidelines.This is why customers always annual inspection Consult your doctor or other primary care provider. It’s time to review all necessary tests, including cancer screening.

This is also the time to discuss whether your personal medical circumstances put you at higher risk than average. This is a very important element of the visit, as these factors will determine whether testing should begin at an earlier age than the general guidelines.

For example, if a woman has a sister, mother, or other first-degree relative with breast cancer, they may also have breast cancer. average risk doubles About breast cancer. People who have two first-degree relatives have a five times increased incidence of breast cancer compared to the average. Knowing your family history is very important for people because their health care provider may recommend additional next steps, such as genetic testing. Mammograms and other screening tests may also need to be started at an earlier age.

Similarly, people with a history of colon cancer in a first-degree relative should also talk to their doctor about starting colon cancer screening earlier than the age typically recommended. Other people who may need an early colonoscopy are people with inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, or certain genetic genetic conditions.

CNN: Should everyone see their doctor every year about cancer screening?

Wen: Yes, you should definitely get the recommended tests.

1 in 3 people According to the American Cancer Society, most people who are eligible for colon cancer screening have never been screened.and as much 59% of women According to some studies, women are on the verge of getting their annual mammogram.

People may skip these tests for a variety of reasons. You may be busy with work or caring for a family member. The Affordable Care Act covers preventive care, including cancer screenings, but many may lack a primary care provider or face other barriers to receiving care. They may think that because they are young, healthy, and in good health, these tests are not necessary.

But the alarming statistics about the rise in cancer among young people should serve as a call to action. Many cancers have no symptoms in their early stages. That’s why screening is necessary to detect these cancers before they spread. If cancer is detected early, it can be cured with treatment.

CNN: What else would you recommend young people do?

Wen: It is essential that people are aware of their risks. Specifically, you need to know what your family history is and whether you have other medical conditions or lifestyle factors that increase your risk of developing cancer early.

Everyone should look into their family history. Do you have a first-degree relative with cancer? Know your own medical history and ask your doctor if certain conditions may increase your risk of cancer. Also, be sure to mention any lifestyle factors, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and physical activity.

CNN: Are there steps young people can take to reduce their risk of cancer?

Wen: yes. Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption are major risk factors. Quitting smoking and reducing alcohol intake are important steps.Moderately small 1-2 minutes of vigorous exercise One day may reduce cancer risk Reduce ultra-processed foods. It’s also important to note that these lifestyle changes not only reduce your risk of cancer, but they also lower your chances of getting cancer. Heart disease And an untimely death.

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