Home Fitness Can You Get a Runner’s High From Walking?

Can You Get a Runner’s High From Walking?

by Universalwellnesssystems

R.unners will say they get all sorts of stuff from their runs. Think: stronger legs, healthier heart, less stress. But one of running’s most legendary perks is the elusive “runner’s high.” It is characterized by feelings of well-being, euphoria, and pain relief, and occurs during or after strenuous exercise that increases the heart rate for a prolonged period of time.

“It’s often described as feeling ‘high,’ and can be accompanied by surges of positive emotions and euphoria,” he says. Carissa Bollingercertified exercise physiologist, ultramarathon runner, and Golden Teacher WellnessUndoubtedly, the intensity of this euphoria will vary depending on the method and duration of exercise, the underlying emotional state, and individual physiology.

But here’s the problem. For many of us these days, a hot girl walk is Activities with impact like running. So can you reach a runner’s high with walking training?

First things first: what creates a runner’s high?

Bollinger says the exact cause of runner’s high from a physiological standpoint is somewhat unclear. “But it’s thought to be related to the release of endorphins,” she says. During exercise, the body releases endorphins to reduce discomfort and pain and promote a positive mood.Endorphins can also increase feelings of well-being and relaxation.”

But endorphins may not be the only factor. According to Bollinger, “Studies show that other chemicals and hormones, such as dopamine, serotonin, and anandamide, may also play a role in contributing to runners’ heightened senses.”

Are you walking enough to evoke the same reaction?

Runner’s high is usually attributed solely to running (hence the term’s name), but aerobic exercise that increases heart rate and breathing, such as cycling, swimming, and, of course, walking. But it could be a ‘runner’s high’. .

But to achieve a runner’s high with walking (or any type of activity), Bollinger says, the intensity must be high enough and the walk long enough.

“Typically, you should get your heart rate up to about 60-85% of your maximum heart rate for at least 20-30 minutes,” says Bollinger. (To calculate your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are 30, your maximum heart rate is approximately 190 beats per minute.)

Tips for getting a runner’s high by walking

Walking is usually low intensity, so it takes a little more effort to get your heart rate up. Think: increase speed, increase resistance (climb up inclines, add weight), or a combination of both. This is Bollinger’s proposal.

wear a heart rate monitor

Bollinger recommends wearing a heart rate monitor to help gauge the intensity of your walking workouts. (Chest she has a variety of straps, smartwatches, earbuds, and more.) “Monitoring your heart rate helps you stay within your target zone and optimize your workout to make sure you reach your endorphin-releasing state.” ‘ she says. she says she

Philips ActionFit SN503 Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds with Heart Rate Monitoring — $39.00

These sweatproof earbuds have built-in sensors that track your heart rate. Compatible with fitness tracking apps such as Strava and Runkeeper.

incorporate hills

Increase the intensity of your walking by doing an incline treadmill walk or finding a route with long uphills.

speed up

Walking at a faster pace increases your heart rate and strengthens your cardiovascular fitness. Bollinger suggests doing faster walks in intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute throughout her walking session.

“By alternating between fast and slow walking, you can burn more calories, work more muscles, improve cardiovascular fitness, and get your heart rate up,” says Bollinger. increase. “For more challenge, try hiking or jogging intervals.”

pack by pound

One way to increase your resistance is to wear weights like weighted vests, ankle or wrist rose bangles, or carry dumbbells or backpacks on your back.

Rose Bangle — $55.00

Add ankle or wrist weight in style with this comfortable option from Bala. These bangles come in 1, 2, and 1/2 pound options.

Incorporate bodyweight exercises

Add lunges, squats and calf raises in between your walks to strengthen your leg muscles. Additionally, using more of the large leg muscles requires more physical work, which leads to an increased heart rate.

change terrain

Bollinger says walking across sand, rocky trails, or other rugged terrain can make your cardio more intense while also challenging your balance and making your lower body and core muscles stronger. I’m here.

be patient

Consistent workouts improve your fitness level, making it easier for you to maintain the intensity and duration of your walking workouts, allowing you to experience a “walker’s high.”

That said, this effect is also elusive for many runners.Bollinger says that whether or not walking training produces euphoria, aerobic exercise such as walking increases heart rate. , says it’s important to remember that it has many benefits for physical and mental health. Promoting a positive mood and harnessing these benefits through exercise can be a truly empowering and rewarding experience. “

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