“Kegels help strengthen the urethral sphincter and other muscles that control ejaculation,” said Dr. Pratima Tamke, consultant obstetrician and gynecologist at Hargarh Motherhood Hospital.
Fitness enthusiasts often come across exercise routines that help address many of the lifestyle issues that cause stress and disrupted sleep patterns. So we stumbled upon a Twitter thread on a portal called Wealth Mail. kegel training We decided to seek professional advice as it was said to “stop premature ejaculation” in men in two weeks.
“100% effective,” read a series of lists. exercises.
For immature people, premature ejaculation means ejaculation of semen before or just after penetration and can be a cause for concern.
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The thread listed the following exercises:
Leg raises with twists – 3 sets x 12 reps
Plank Knee to elbow – 3 sets x 10 reps
Straight leg sit-ups – 3 sets x 15 reps
Oblique Abs – 10 reps per side x 3 sets
Wrist-to-knee sit-ups – 3 sets x 15 reps
What are Kegel exercises and how do they help?
Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic muscles. “Kegels help strengthen the urinary sphincter and other functions. muscle It controls ejaculation,” said Dr. Pratima Tamke, a consultant obstetrician and gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital in Halgar.
“Kegel exercises are known to help lengthen the duration of sex in men because they tighten the muscles in the pelvis. ,Please do so. kegel exercises You will definitely notice the difference,” said Dr. Tamke.
According to Dr. Tamke, Kegel exercises strengthen the ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscles and help prevent them. premature ejaculation.
“Kegels and pelvic exercises can also help with symptoms.” erectile dysfunction It can be done under expert guidance,” Dr. Tamke added. She said the exercises featured in the video on the Twitter thread help tone the pelvic muscles, but “consult with a fitness trainer before doing the exercises.” “Do it only under professional guidance. Don’t overdo it while exercising. Exercises like this not only help manage problems like premature ejaculation, but they also help improve sexual performance in bed.” If you perform these exercises regularly, you will definitely notice a difference,” said Dr. Tamke.
what should i do?
You should do Kegel exercises twice a day, says Dr. Tamke, and “you’ll definitely notice a difference.” “If you choose kegel exercisesIt’s important to do these daily for good results,” said Dr. Tamke.
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Date first published: Jun 27, 2023, 09:10 IST