Home Nutrition Can eating nothing but meat actually be healthy? The real dangers and upsides of restrictive diets

Can eating nothing but meat actually be healthy? The real dangers and upsides of restrictive diets

by Universalwellnesssystems

Trend scales always seem to seek balance.as more Americans than ever before Inevitably, carnivores’ diets are leaning more towards plant-based.

Discover Recent Features It explored the pros and cons of consuming only animal products and raised eternal questions about the wisdom of highly restrictive diets. For everyone who has grown up and struggled with the tyranny of the food pyramid and the idea that abundant, expensive variety is the key to good health, could drastically reducing your grocery list be the better option?

As the name suggests, carnivores have a diet consisting solely of meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and eggs. Sometimes you can arrange things with certain spices, but that’s about it. Somehow Whole 30 looks like Golden Corral.

This is just the latest restrictive diet in a history of health trends, from cabbage soup to grapefruit, raw foods, fruitarianism, diet shakes and juice cleanses. And like previous versions, there may be at least some short-term benefits. Christopher Gardner, director of nutrition research at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, told Discover, “One of the main things they’re doing with the carnivore diet is removing all added sugar and refined grains. That’s 40 servings.” It makes up a large portion of Americans’ diets, and eliminating it should have positive health effects. ” And when I heard that a friend of mine had started a carnivorous diet a while back, I admit I was intrigued by her radiant energy and enthusiasm. I also wanted to ask her to eat an orange.

For the omnivores among us, and the Catholic school survivors, anything Off-limits makes everything even more appealing. However, dietary restrictions can be helpful for people who want to recalibrate their relationship with food. Josh SchlotmanThe certified personal trainer and nutrition coach says that in certain situations, “a very restrictive diet like the carnivore diet can be beneficial for several reasons.” For example, “First, it helps you eliminate bad foods that you would eat on a more generous diet. If you are only allowed to eat certain foods, eating junk food is no longer an option.” he says. In the meantime, he says, “eliminating foods that can have negative effects on you” may uncover underlying food sensitivities or gut issues. Finally, he says that for some people, restricting calories is easier than counting calories. It’s possible they’re eating it.”

Total Shape Fitness Coach Benedict Anne Also, “One of the potential benefits of these plans is the often promised rapid weight loss. For those looking to lose weight quickly for a specific event or goal. These plans can provide instant gratification. Additionally, some people find that a strict eating structure helps them develop discipline and control their eating habits.”

But, he warns, “the promises of these plans need to be critically examined. Most claim rapid weight loss, sometimes in a matter of days. Such dramatic It is essential that individuals recognize that such changes are often unsustainable and may, in some cases, lead to loss of muscle mass and essential nutrients. Importantly, he also points out that there are emotional and psychological aspects to consider. “Such eating habits can contribute to the development of disordered eating patterns and a strained relationship with food,” he says. “The social and psychological effects should also not be ignored, as these plans can cause feelings of isolation, frustration and an unhealthy obsession with food.”

“The important thing is that losing weight is not about deprivation or perfection.”

Alana Kate DerrickCertified Personal Trainer, Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach, and Senior Contributor. gold bj, advises a healthy dose of skepticism and common sense before starting a new diet. “The reason these ultra-restrictive plans make headlines is because they appear to be incredibly transformative,” she says. “But often ignored are the difficulties and health risks that come with extreme calorie cuts, off-limits food groups, or complex rules. Importantly, losing weight is not about deprivation or perfection. It’s not about progress, it’s about developing lifestyle habits that you can actually enjoy for a long time. This prevents the rebound weight gain that inevitably occurs when you return to your normal diet after restricting your diet. ”

“My advice?” Derrick asks. “Be wary of plans that eliminate entire food groups or require complex stages and point systems. Not only can this lead to nutritional deficiencies, but they are also impractical for real life. No. The most successful way is to find simple, sustainable changes and provide enough calories, protein, fruits, vegetables, and snacks to help you stick with it. Rather than imposing strict no-go rules that often lead to feelings of deprivation, it’s wise to take an intuitive approach and choose nutritious foods that meet your body’s true needs. This will help you find sustainable habits that you will truly enjoy long after you reach your goals. That’s your ticket to lasting success. ” Law HuntrisChief Nutrition Officer and R&D for Wellness and Intermittent Fasting Brands simple, similarly, “How you maintain your weight loss is just as important as losing it in the first place. It also provides the insight that “in many cases, there is a risk of reversal.” If the plan is discontinued, the weight will be lost quickly. She goes on to say, “Extremely restrictive diets can lead to social isolation, so it’s important to consider how well an intensive and restrictive eating plan fits into your work, social and family life.” ” he added.

All restrictive diets have drawbacks, but the carnivore diet has unique concerns. tricia best“Carnivore diets can be harmful to gut health,” says Balance One Registered Dietitian. She says, “The diet lacks dietary fiber, which is important for promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Without enough dietary fiber, Gut bacteria feed on intestinal mucus and can cause inflammation and damage.” A diet high in protein can increase levels of certain bacteria that produce harmful byproducts such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. These byproducts can irritate the intestinal lining and cause inflammation. Finally, high fat content in the diet can produce harmful byproducts. It also disrupts the balance of intestinal bacteria and causes inflammation in the intestines. ”

It might be interesting to organize your eating habits or become a radical minimalist to find joy. I definitely don’t want to calculate how much lean protein and how much fiber I need to consume each day. So even without the implicit promise that the jeans will fit better, I can understand the appeal of saying, “Shit, I just eat steak.”

but Haley Gorski, registered dietitian in Santa Monica As someone who specializes in weight loss, he puts it into perspective. “Strict diets can cause deficiencies in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that are essential for long-term health,” she explains. And ultimately, these plans “can cause rapid weight loss,” she says, adding, “If you make lasting changes, you’ll get lasting results. Permanent changes will give you lasting results. , it allows for more flexibility in dietary decisions, and temporary changes lead to temporary changes,” he advises. result. ”

A previous version of this article attributed Alana Kate Derrick’s quote to Ro Huntliss. It has since been fixed.

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