Home Nutrition Can coffee help you avoid weight gain? Here’s what the science says

Can coffee help you avoid weight gain? Here’s what the science says

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Most people gain a small amount of weight as they age.
  • Coffee is said to have many health benefits, but is it effective in preventing gradual weight gain?
  • A group of researchers looked at whether drinking an extra cup of coffee a day led to more or less weight gain than people who didn’t adjust their intake.

Coffee is well known for its positive long-term health effects. Drink the equivalent of 3-4 cups of instant coffee a day reduce risk It affects many health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.

most people benefit small amount of weight As the years go by. But can coffee help prevent this gradual weight gain?

A group of researchers investigated whether drinking one more cup of coffee a day or adding sugar, cream or non-dairy alternatives led to more weight gain than people who did not adjust their intake. I looked into it.

their the study (Currently in pre-proofreading, meaning it has been peer-reviewed but final formatting and copy editing has not yet been done) We found a moderate association between coffee and less weight gain than expected. I did.

People who drank one more cup of coffee a day gained 0.12 kg less than expected over four years. Adding sugar resulted in slightly more weight gain (0.09 kg) than expected over four years.

How was the study conducted? What did it find?

The researchers combined data from three large studies in the United States. Nurse health research 1986 to 2010, 1991 to 2015, and Follow-up by a medical professional From 1991 to 2014.

The Nurses’ Health Study is one of two of the largest cohort studies, involving more than 230,000 participants, examining chronic disease risk in women. The Health Professional Tracking Study will involve more than 50,000 male health professionals to explore the relationship between diet and health outcomes.

Participants in all three studies completed a baseline questionnaire and another every four years to assess food and drink intake. The researchers used the combined dataset to analyze changes in coffee intake and changes in participants’ self-reported weight over four-year intervals.

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In the study of nurses, the average weight gain over four years was 1.2 kg and 1.7 kg, while in the study of medical professionals, the average weight gain was 0.8 kg.

Researchers found that increasing your intake of unsweetened caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee by one cup a day was associated with 0.12 kg less weight gain than expected over four years.

Adding creamer (milk) or non-dairy alternatives had no significant effect on this weight change.

However, adding sugar (1 teaspoon) to coffee led to weight gain of 0.09kg more than expected over four years.

These associations were stronger in participants who were younger and had higher BMI at the start of the study.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the study?

This study is unique in two ways. The sample size was very large and participants were followed over many years. This increases confidence that the association is real and likely applicable to other populations.

However, there are three reasons to be careful.

First, the survey results show that: associationdo not have Causal relationship. This means that the study does not prove that coffee consumption is the real reason for weight change. Rather, this indicates that he observed two changes simultaneously over time.

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Second, the findings regarding weight were very modest. Based on one cup of coffee, his average weight gain over four years avoided was 0.12 kilograms, which equates to about 30 grams per year. For most people looking to manage their weight, this amount may not be a meaningful change.

Finally, this analysis did not take into account variations in the amount of caffeine in coffee. I know it can get expensive), we just assumed a standard amount of caffeine per cup.

How can coffee help with weight management?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant, shown in Your appetite will temporarily decrease and your alertness will increase. This may reduce hunger in the short term, leading to reduced energy intake.

Some people consume coffee as a stimulant before exercise. Improve your training performance – If your workout is more effective, more energy may be expended. However, its benefits are primarily thought to be short-term rather than long-term.

Caffeine has arrived shown in Metabolism is accelerated and more energy is expended during rest. However, this effect is relatively small, so it is not suitable as a substitute for regular physical activity or a healthy diet.

Finally, for coffee, mild diuretic effect, may cause temporary water weight loss. This is water loss, not fat loss, and once you rehydrate, the weight will quickly come back.

Is it worth trying coffee for weight loss?

Weight loss can be influenced by a variety of factors, so don’t get too enthusiastic about the link between coffee and weight highlighted in this new study or increase your coffee intake to unreasonable levels. Please.

Most adults can safely consume 400mg amount of caffeine per day. This is the equivalent of 2 cups of espresso, 4 cups of instant coffee, and 8 cups of tea.

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If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s important to consult your doctor before increasing your caffeine intake, as caffeine can be passed on to your growing baby.

If you need personalized weight guidance, talk to your doctor or visit a hospital. Certified registered dietitian.

lauren ballProfessor of Community Health and Welfare; University of Queensland and emily birchnutritionist, researcher, lecturer, southern cross university

This article is republished from conversation Under Creative Commons License.read Original work.

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