Home Nutrition Can a nutritious daily shake stave off memory loss? A new trial aims to answer that, and is seeking volunteers.

Can a nutritious daily shake stave off memory loss? A new trial aims to answer that, and is seeking volunteers.

by Universalwellnesssystems

Susan Roberts, who has spent years studying the diet of Americans and the myriad health problems that result from poor diets, said study lead Susan Roberts believes that now is the time to be realistic. Said it was time to

“We are purists and we can say that everyone should eat the perfect diet,” says Roberts, a senior scientist at the USDA Center for Nutrition Research in Tufts.

To be clear, Roberts encourages people to eat healthy, but recognizes that it becomes harder with age, especially for older adults, who need to cut back on calories.

“Healthy eating is important,” said Roberts. “But let’s also consider Plan B.”

This research National Institutes of Health, It will be executed for If data show that this approach slows cognitive decline and participants are able to continue the program, there are plans to extend it for an additional four years.

Participants were asked to consume one shake daily. Record which flavor you chose: Chocolate/Vanilla, Amaretto, or Orange Cream, and how it was prepared. At about 180 calories, this product is frozen and has the consistency of a pudding when thawed.

To be eligible, participants must be between the ages of 55 and 85 and be overweight or obese (a body mass index 27 to 39.9 inches, which translates to approximately 185 to 270 pounds for De Haro’s height of 5 feet 9 inches. Participants must not have severe memory impairment, attention or thinking disorders, or diabetes.

In this study, participants are divided into four groups. One group received a shake supplement and weight loss program, another group received a weight loss program only, a third group received a shake supplement but no weight loss intervention, and a fourth group received a placebo. Supplements that look and taste similar to research products but do not contain the same nutrients. (Participants who did not undergo the weight loss program during the trial are eligible for the weight loss program thereafter.)

Every few months, participants are expected to take a standard memory test. For example, measure how many animals you can recall in one minute after seeing a picture of an animal. The researchers will also look at each participant’s brain blood flow using an imaging technique known as near-infrared spectroscopy, which provides an indirect measure of brain activity.

“There is no magic bullet [to slow memory loss]but a holistic approach by weight loss combined with substances that other studies have shown some results may be relevant in older adults.To monitor safety and efficacy in clinical trials regulators.

Certain ingredients of the shake are confidential to protect the integrity of the study. According to Roberts, it contains substances commonly found in a “very healthy diet,” including fruits and vegetables containing substances known as flavonoids, healthy fat sources, and lean protein. , which is thought to support brain health.

Other energy drinks commonly marketed to seniors contain essential nutrients, but not in sufficient amounts to delay memory loss, especially thought to be important for brain health. Roberts said it may not include what is currently in the market.

A growing body of research suggests that excess weight may be associated with cognitive decline, especially as we age. And research on certain substances, such as flavonoids in fruits, certain teas, chocolate, and other foods, suggests they may also be beneficial for brain health. Researchers have yet to figure out which flavonoids are most effective and at what doses.

“There are 5,000 identified flavonoids in our food supply…it’s very complex,” said John Erdman, emeritus professor of food science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I’m here. .

a 2020 analysis by UK researchers Of the 17 studies on polyphenols, substances found in plants containing flavonoids, found that they “support an association between polyphenol consumption and cognitive benefits,” although the association was “provisional.” The authors conclude that further research is needed.

Scientists believe that flavonoids may help protect against inflammation and oxidative damage to cells in the brain, reducing the risk of cognitive decline.

Another complicating factor when trying to identify specific nutrients and their effects on the brain is all other foods, whether eaten by study participants or not.

“People who consume fruits, vegetables and nutritious foods [flavonoids] They don’t consume a lot of high saturated fat…and have a lower risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, so it might be something they don’t,” he said.

So far, de Haro, one of the study participants, doesn’t snack as often at night because one of his favorite daily shake supplements in the form of puddings works like an after-dinner dessert. and fulfills him. .

“It kills hunger for the rest of the night,” he said.

“It’s designed to give perfect nutrition to people who aren’t eating perfect,” said Roberts, lead author of the study. If someone turns 65 today, they can expect to live another 20 years, but they don’t want to live those 20 years with dementia. ”

For more information about this study, call 1-800-738-7555 or visit our website at: https://linktr.ee/bbhealth

Kay Lazar can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her on her Twitter. @globekayLazar.

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