Home Fitness Camila Cabello Shares Her Go-To Fitness Routine

Camila Cabello Shares Her Go-To Fitness Routine

by Universalwellnesssystems

Camila Cabello is definitely known for her star power. She brings the same energy to a very different medium.as a new brand ambassador for prebioticsfunctional soda brand Olipopshe serves as the face of the brand, working together on a shared mission to make an impact in the health and wellness space. We talked about products, and what treatments have been done to her in recent years.

Well+Good: Congratulations on your new position. Why did you want to partner with Olipop?

Camila Cabello: I grew up drinking soda with my tacos. As you know, Mexicans love Coca-Cola. [laughs]And it wasn’t high in sugar and was very tasty, so instead it was very good. During quarantine, I have one every day for mental health issues (and general health).learned more about microbiome When gut health, and Olipop is such a healthy drink that I wanted to work with. He started as an investor in February and I am happy to work with them further.

W+G: As for your favorite flavor, you alluded to Coca-Cola, is there a particular flavor that you gravitate towards?

CC: My favorite is definitely the Strawberry Vanilla.And when I eat tacos, or if I like, sometimes I eat burgers, I eat whatever I want [Vintage Cola]And orange! i love orange ones.

W+G: Good. You alluded to this when you touched on the gut microbiome, but how else are you interested in taking care of your gut? What do you usually do to keep

CC: I definitely think food is a big part of everything.Something with natural probiotics like tea or yogurt. probiotics every day.

W+G: As I’m sure you know, there have been studies. Linking Gut Health to Mental Health likewise. What are your go-tos when it comes to taking care of your mental health, not just your gut health?

CC: I have a bad habit of not drinking enough water, so my baseline is drinking enough water, having a balanced day with regards to my diet, eating enough vegetables and not much processed food. But I try not to stress too much, and I also make time to spend with my family and friends. Therapy is also a big part of my life. And sleep is very important to me.I feel anxious when I don’t sleep neurosis Over the roof.

W+G: I would like to know how you found therapy. I would also like to hear about your sleeping habits. Is there anything in particular you do to secure this time?

CC: I started therapy when I was quite young, like in my late teens, and I think I needed it at the time. I wasn’t too shy to ask for help. find the right therapistI connected with a few therapists along the way who have helped me through different moments in my life. But I have definitely found what I feel has really made the biggest difference right now. Look, I think it’s because you’ve seen how much I’ve grown as a person.

“As a result of that anxiety, I became very, very anxious and sad. I was never shy to ask for help.” — Camila Cabello

And as for sleep, I think it’s you better go to bed early So I go to bed early and try not to stay up late. Going to bed around 2am and waking up at noon is not the same as going to bed around 11pm and waking up at 8am. Drinking really affects my sleep quality.

W+G: Would you consider yourself a natural night owl or an early riser?

CC: no i definitely more night owlBut when I stay up late, I can’t rest at all, and I feel like I’m always tired no matter how many hours I work, i just look tired.

W+G: Of course. i totally understand that. When you’re not getting enough sleep or need some energy boost, what are some ways to get it?

CC: I usually just drink a lot of water and don’t want to overload my body with other things and try to eat healthy during the day. and if you are drinking alcohol, When I’m stressed and I feel sick. But if I’m doing some of these good things, I’ll probably be fine.

W+G: Of course. On a slightly different topic, what beauty products have you been using lately? What products have you been relying on?

CC: i always use mascara and i love it loreal mascaraHonestly, I’ve been using it since I was young. I think it’s very good.Also i love super goop Sunscreen.

W+G: Is there anything you pay attention to in your daily look these days?

CC: I like to put blush on my cheeks for a quick and casual outfit. When on my eyelids.

W+G: Do you have any particular skin care items?

CC: Oh. Well, to be honest, I’ve been going to the beach a lot lately and I feel that salt water is really good for my skin, so I’ve hardly used any products in the last few days, but my skin has never been better. However, it is also very important for me to remove sunscreen, plenty of moisturizer, serum, and make-up. If you don’t deep wash at night, your pores tend to get clogged.

W+G: Changing the subject a bit, you hinted that fitness is one of the things that keeps you happy. What do you like doing at the gym?

CC: As for cardio, I really like doing things that I enjoy, such as swimming, snorkeling and different sports.like i really want playPlaying tennis and dancing is also great. It’s also great to go out dancing to literally break a sweat. Or you can join her class for a fun workout with a friend.

I myself try to lift weights every day. I have a trainer in LA [Melissa Alcantara]and if I’m not with her, she has this app fit girl melI just go to the gym and do her weight sessions for about an hour.

W+G: I love it. I think Jim is very intimidating to many people. Was there a time when you were intimidated?

CC: I didn’t know how to use the machine until about three weeks ago. [laughs]Well, honestly, just ask.I basically launched the app and asked people who work in gyms or use machines [for help]They look intimidating, but they really aren’t. Or play a video or something on YouTube. It may take him 20 minutes to figure it out, but after that he knows how to use it for the rest of his life.

W+G: Do you have a favorite thing in the wellness space these days?

CC: I love meditationI plan to do 10 minutes every day. It really makes a big difference for me.I love ten percent happy app. I am taking their course and they meditate for 10 minutes every day. That alone made a big difference and I learned a lot. Spending time like this really helps me grow as a person.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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