Home Nutrition Calorie deficit for weight loss: What is it and how to achieve it

Calorie deficit for weight loss: What is it and how to achieve it

by Universalwellnesssystems

Your weight loss plan constantly tricks you into choosing a low-calorie diet. An expert explains the concept.

In recent years, the obsession with weight loss has influenced people to follow a calorie-free diet, or at least cut back on calories. A calorie deficit occurs in the body. People rely on a calorie deficient diet to lose and maintain weight. Let’s break it down for you!

Your body may feel normal for the first few weeks on a calorie-deficient diet. But such long meals can lead to fatigue, dehydration, nausea, constipation, headaches, feeling groggy, etc. HealthShots reached out to nutritionist Avni Kaul to find out what a calorie deficit means. I figured out something and how to overcome it.

How many calorie deficits does the average person need?

“There’s a formula for measuring the calorie deficit you need to lose weight. Here’s an easy way to find it: Multiply your weight by 10 and stay in this calorie range for at least three to four weeks. Your calorie expenditure should be somewhere within this range. Subtract 500 calories,” experts say.

If you eat too few calories, you will feel dizzy and tired.Image credit: Shutterstock

“Always keep in mind the fact that too great a calorie deficit is not sustainable. Excessive restriction can lead to overeating and consequently weight gain. Try to keep it above at least 1200. Consume more calories if you are exercising. ‘, adds the expert.

How to achieve a calorie deficit

Following a strict diet plan can eventually lead to a calorie deficit. However, there are simple ways you can achieve a calorie deficit for weight loss.

Control your portion and know what your plate should look like. Image Credit: Shutterstock

1. Choose smaller plates and bowls

If you’re someone who believes in wiping food off your plate, it’s best to use small plates. It makes it easier and visually makes you feel fuller.

2. Check everything you eat

Take responsibility by accurately tracking your calorie intake. You can use different apps or keep a diary or food diary to keep things basic all the time.

Also Read: Weight Loss: 7 Negative Calorie Foods You Can Add to Your Diet

3. Get enough sleep

When you don’t get enough sleep, your body secretes more of the stress hormone cortisol, which causes cravings and hunger. Plus, low energy robs her of all the motivation she needs to work out and get through her day. Get at least 7 hours of sleep if you want to lose weight.

Quality and quantity of sleep are important for weight loss.Image credit: Shutterstock

4. Hydration

Headaches, fatigue, and dizziness are all symptoms of dehydration and can make you think you’re hungry. Always keep yourself hydrated by carrying a water bottle that you can keep drinking.

Also Read: Burn Up To 500 Calories In Just 30 Minutes With These 5 Weight Loss Exercises

5. Walk

There’s no denying the power of working out to help you burn calories and build calorie-burning muscle. Depending on your weight, walking about 10,000 steps a day will burn an extra 250-600 calories.

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