Home Medicine Calming a cough using a recipe for onion syrup

Calming a cough using a recipe for onion syrup

by Universalwellnesssystems

Q: Could you please post the onion syrup cough medicine recipe again? Years ago my mother was making it for her children on top of the old black cast iron stove in the corner of the kitchen. Not only did it work, but it tasted so good unlike other cough medicines on the market!

When my mother died, all of her recipes were lost. I would like to know the recipe for this delicious remedy.

In fact, there are quite a few onion syrup recipes to choose from. I was intrigued.

One method is to slice a yellow onion and dust the cut ends with sugar. The “juice” is collected after about half an hour and a teaspoon is swallowed.Another recipe calls for slicing an onion and simmering it in water with sugar for 45 minutes to 1 hour over low heat. A teaspoon or two of syrup should soothe your cough.

Another reader wrote: I like it and it always stopped coughing. “

Many people use honey instead of sugar. Here is his one such recipe. Add 1 minced onion and 1 minced garlic clove. Add some sage, thyme, or oregano and let it soak overnight at room temperature. Strain and use as a cough syrup. Store in refrigerator. “

Find more natural remedies with our Cold, Cough & Flu eGuide. This online resource can be found on the Health eGuides tab of PeoplesPharmacy.com

Q: I was looking to buy red yeast rice to lower my cholesterol and saw an article saying that such supplements are laced with statins. Is there truth in that?

Chinese cooks have long used red yeast rice as a food flavoring. Healers also used it to increase circulation.

Researchers have discovered that RYR naturally contains lovastatin. Lovastatin is an ingredient in the brand-name cholesterol-lowering drug Mevacor. A scientific review of 30 studies reported that red yeast rice preparations reduced the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (Frontiers in Pharmacology, 21 February 2022).

Q: I do a lot of work outside. For pain relief, I take super strong Tylenol.Sometimes I have a glass of wine with dinner.

I understand that alcohol can increase the risk of liver damage when taking acetaminophen. How much alcohol does it take to cause problems? I have also read that it is helpful. Is it safe to take NAC daily?

The maker of Tylenol states, “Consuming three or more alcoholic beverages daily while using this product may cause severe liver damage.” You seem well below that level, but you still need to be careful.

NAC is N-acetylcysteine ​​and is considered an antidote for acetaminophen overdose. Boosts levels of glutathione, a natural compound that is an antioxidant that helps detoxify.

A study in mice found that NAC “may be a useful tool to counteract the increased toxicity of acetaminophen associated with alcohol intake” (Alcohol, Jan-Feb 1987). ). A review in American Family Physician (August 1, 2009) concluded that NAC is “a safe, inexpensive, well-tolerated antioxidant with a well-defined mechanism of action.”

Contact Graedon

at peoplespharmacy.com.

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