Home Health Care California Nurses Association: Gov. Newsom betrays nurses and CalCare movement by signing S.B. 770

California Nurses Association: Gov. Newsom betrays nurses and CalCare movement by signing S.B. 770

by Universalwellnesssystems

Sandy Redding, RN, president of the California Nurses Association (CNA), the state’s largest certified nurses union and the most ardent advocate of single-payer health care, condemns the signing of SB 770. issued a statement.

“The Governor’s unfortunate and unnecessary decision to sign SB 770 is a complete failure to support nurses’ fight for single-payer health care policy and to achieve health justice for their patients and communities. It’s a betrayal.”

“SB 770 not only shows a total lack of political courage, but it also wastes taxpayer resources tremendously. It replicates the California Commission’s previous work, and the final report was completed as recently as spring 2022.”

“No wonder the health care industry did not strongly oppose SB 770. The uniform financing system recommended by CalHHS does not have to guarantee health care for everyone. It maintains wide discretion to continue business as usual and perpetuate the broken medical status quo.

“Nurses know all too well the injustices and inefficiencies of a health care system that puts profits before patients. Distractions like SB 770 undermine our moral and legal obligation to be patient advocates. We have never, and never will, deter our nurses from our goal of securing health care as a human right with our allies. The only way to achieve health justice is in California. Pass single-payer health care in our state once and for all.”

Since 1994, CNA nurses have led the fight to make health care a right for all Californians. Through intense organizing by nurses, the broader labor movement, and local allies, a strong base of public support has been built to support the passage of a single-payer system. health care. As a result of the signing of SB 770, approximately 3.2 million Californians without access to health insurance will continue to suffer. Empowered by Governor Newsom’s betrayal, nurses decide to continue organizing across the state to build the CalCare movement.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United is the nation’s largest and fastest-growing union and professional association of certified nurses, with 100,000 members in more than 200 facilities throughout California and a national There are approximately 225,000 nurses.

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