Home Products Caffeine in Your Blood Could Affect Body Fat And Diabetes Risk, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

Caffeine in Your Blood Could Affect Body Fat And Diabetes Risk, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

by Universalwellnesssystems

Levels of caffeine in the blood can affect the amount of body fat, which may be a factor in determining the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

These are the results of a new study that used genetic markers to establish a clearer link between caffeine levels, BMI, and type 2 diabetes risk.

Researchers from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, the University of Bristol in the UK and Imperial College London in the UK say they can investigate calorie-free caffeinated beverages as a potential means of lowering body fat levels.

“Higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations were associated with lower BMI and total body fat mass. write Researcher of the published paper.

“In addition, higher genetically predicted plasma caffeine concentrations were associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. About half of the effects of caffeine on type 2 diabetes propensity were mediated by decreased BMI.” It was estimated that

This study includes data from just under 10,000 people collected from existing genetic databases and focuses on v.Abnormalities in or near specific genes known to be associated with the rate at which caffeine is broken down. in general, Genes, namely CYP1A2 and the gene that regulates it called AHR, tend to break down caffeine more slowly, allowing it to remain in the blood longer. tend to be less.

an approach called Mendelian randomization used to preventExamine causal relationships between the presence of variations, diseases such as diabetes, weight, and lifestyle factors.

Although there was a significant association between caffeine levels, BMI, and type 2 diabetes risk, there was no relationship between caffeine levels in the blood and cardiovascular diseases such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and stroke. There was no.

Previous studies have shown that moderate and relative increases in caffeine consumption are associated with improved heart health. lower BMIand new research adds more detail to what we already know about how coffee affects the body.

It’s also important to keep in mind the effects of caffeine on the body. not all positive,in short Caution is required But this latest study is an important step in assessing the ideal amount of caffeine.

“Small, short-term studies have shown that caffeine consumption leads to weight and fat loss, but the long-term effects of caffeine consumption are unknown.” write researcher.

The team believes the link shown here is in the way caffeine increases thermogenesis (thermogenesis) and fat oxidation (turning fat into energy) in the body.

However, more research is needed to confirm cause and effect. Although this study included a large sample, Mendelian randomization was not assured and other factors not accounted for in this study may be involved.

“Given the high consumption of caffeine around the world, even small metabolic effects can have important health implications.” write researcher.

This research BMJmedicine.

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