Home Fitness ‘Burn fat’ and change body composition by adding one type of exercise to your routine

‘Burn fat’ and change body composition by adding one type of exercise to your routine

by Universalwellnesssystems

Exercise can help you achieve your ideal body shape by toning specific areas and promoting fat burning.

Aerobic exercise and strength training are important for different reasons and have different effects on the body.

When discussing the best exercises to “burn fat,” Dr. Chris Moore, fitness and nutrition advisor at Fortune Recommends Health, explained the benefits of both types of exercise.

Both can help with weight loss and improve overall health, he said.

Strength training boosts your metabolism Getty

He told GB News: “If you’re trying to lose weight and maintain muscle, a combination of cardio and strength training can be effective.”

“Aerobic exercises such as running, cycling and swimming are very effective in improving your cardiovascular health, while strength training is great for building muscle mass, also known as the organ of longevity.”

Aerobic exercise gets your heart rate up and helps you burn more calories in a short amount of time.

Resistance training involves using free weights, fitness machines, or performing exercises using your own body weight.

Building muscle can help tone and define your body without necessarily lowering the number on the scale.

Dr Moore continued: “Gaining muscle mass can change body composition and create a look that people like, even if weight loss doesn’t show up on the scale.”

“Combining a variety of exercises also helps keep the routine interesting.”

People looking to lose a little weight will see better results if they combine exercise with a healthy eating plan.

Women's Burpees

Burpees are an effective cardio exercise for burning fat.


The expert continues: “An example would be lean proteins like chicken, turkey or pork, paired with vegetables and fruit. Protein helps repair muscles, and fiber is extremely healthy and makes you feel full.”

“Fish such as salmon are also a great protein-rich choice, as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health and improve overall well-being.”

Protein is essential for building muscle, so high-protein foods are especially beneficial during exercise.

The doctor adds that pulses are a great “all-purpose food” as they are packed with protein and fibre.

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