Home Mental Health Bunnie Xo opens up about ‘daily’ struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Bunnie Xo opens up about ‘daily’ struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder

by Universalwellnesssystems
Bunny Zoe talks about his ‘day-to-day’ struggle with OCD

Bunny Zaw has spoken out about his “day-to-day” struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

In a recent episode of her podcast dumb blonde, On the Dec. 6 broadcast, the 44-year-old influencer dismissed misconceptions about OCD, saying it’s just orchestrated.

“I know some people joke about having mild OCD, but as someone who actually lives with it, I’ll be the first to say it’s no laughing matter,” Bunny began. .

Jerry Roll’s wife further addressed the myths about the disorder: OCD actually causes overwhelming anxiety because you have unpleasant and unwanted thoughts that feel so unpleasant that you don’t really want to think about them. ”

OCD is defined as “a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears known as obsessions.” These obsessions lead to repetitive behaviors, also called compulsions. These obsessions and compulsions can interfere with daily life and cause a lot of distress,” says the Mayo Clinic.

Bunny called these ongoing methods of behavior on his podcast: [them] Try to get rid of the anxiety caused by those thoughts. But it doesn’t work in the long run and they just keep coming back. ”

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