Home Products Build Muscle, Lose Fat by Eating Wide Range of Protein: Nutritionist

Build Muscle, Lose Fat by Eating Wide Range of Protein: Nutritionist

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • A 35-year-old man requested a review of his average daily diet. insider nutrition clinic.
  • He told Insider that he wants to put on muscle and lose body fat.
  • If you would like to have your diet reviewed by a specialist, Please complete this form.

Hoping to “build muscle and drop body fat,” Brian submitted his diet to the Insider’s Nutrition Clinic, where licensed nutritionists and dietitians provide readers with dietary advice.

Brian, 35, said lift something heavy Five days a week, I take brisk 10-15 minute walks before and after my workouts to tackle physically demanding tasks.

registered dietitian Eli Blecher Insider Brian says he’s doing the right thing by eating a lot proteinbut he should consider diversifying his sources with plant-based foods. whole foodnot only meat, but also fish.

Brian’s weightlifting and active lifestyle is great, but he would benefit from incorporating a few Flexibility and Mobility Brecher says she incorporates exercises like stretching and yoga for 10 to 15 minutes after training and on weekends into her regimen.

Switch processed proteins to plant-based or whole foods

Breakfast includes protein shakes, turkey sandwiches, high protein yogurt, trail mix bars and bananas.

2 hours later he protein barHe said.

Blecher says Brian’s overall diet includes a good amount of protein, which is his goal. build muscle and lose body fat.

However, she said he could benefit from swapping some of the processed foods, such as bars and shakes, for plant-based and whole foods. I said I could get more information. fiber to help his goals lose fat This is because fiber keeps you feeling full.

Blecher recommends making a breakfast smoothie with berries, spinach, oats, chia seeds, nut butters, and milk.

Replace meat with tofu, lentils, or chickpeas

Two to three hours after his morning snack, Brian eats a pound of ground turkey or chicken and white rice, followed by another high-protein yogurt and an orange.

“He may want to replace lunchtime turkey or chicken with tofu stir-fry or lentil and chickpea stew,” Blecher said. “It’s a great source of vegetable protein and fiber. “

Replacing white rice with brown rice increases Brian’s fiber intake, but Quinoa Brecher says it provides minerals such as iron and magnesium.

“He could also top yogurt with extra protein in the form of antioxidant-rich handfuls of walnuts and sprinkle with zinc and vitamin K-packed pumpkin seeds.

eat a variety of foods, including healthy snacks

Mid-afternoon, Brian has snacks like almonds, trail mixes, and protein shakes.

nuts It’s a good source of healthy fats and also provides protein. Bletcher suggests adding variety to your snacks by sprinkling carrot sticks with hummus on whole-wheat crackers or seeds mixed with mashed avocado.

For dinner, eat chicken, turkey, or beef with white rice and vegetables.

Bretcher suggested that Brian’s diet may lack variety and that meat should be replaced with fish.

“Fish is an excellent source of protein and contains a variety of essential vitamins and minerals such as iodine and selenium, and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are omega 3 fatIt’s beneficial for cardiovascular health and brain health,” she said.

The advice in this article is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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