Home Fitness Brisk walking vs jogging; which is better for weight loss? Expert take | Health

Brisk walking vs jogging; which is better for weight loss? Expert take | Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

walking It is one of the best forms of exercise ideal for almost everyone. This is a cardiovascular physical activity that improves blood flow and also helps control blood pressure. In fact, many fitness experts recommend brisk walking these days. calories burned It’s also good for heart health. Another easy exercise option at your local park is jogging. If running is difficult or inconvenient, jog as well, but slower than running and faster than walking. jogging Less of your energy is used, less of your effort. But is brisk walking or jogging better for weight loss and effective results? We asked the experts. (Please also read: Health Benefits of Walking, Tips for Getting Started and Finding Your Style

“Because overweight and obesity can lead to serious health problems, maintaining a healthy weight and constantly monitoring weight gain patterns has become an essential lifestyle practice. , jogging, stationary cycling, and treadmills are some of the most commonly practiced physical activities, as weight loss is highly feasible and does not require monitoring or assistance. brisk walking and jogging are more common due to the ease of access and the lack of need.” T. Nagar, Chennai.

trotting vs jogging: what’s the difference

Brisk walking differs from jogging in terms of biomechanics and energy expenditure. Ravichandran explains his two differences.

brisk walking

Trotting is the act of strenuous and brisk walking, trying to cover a speed of at least 3 to 4 miles per hour. To be more precise, a brisk walk is not a walk or a slow walk, you can usually speak, but not sing.

What is jogging

Jogging is a slow, rhythmic exercise. Jogging is slower than running and faster than walking. Compared to running, jogging consumes less energy and is less stressful.

brisk walking vs jogging. which one is more intense?

“Brisk walking is a moderate-intensity, low-impact physical activity because one foot is in constant contact with the ground. When one heel leaves the ground, the toes of the opposite foot are already on the ground. So the load is evenly distributed and the overall impact is low,” says Ravichandran.

“Jogging leaves one foot off the ground, which distributes the load to the foot in contact with the ground. Therefore, jogging, which is also a moderate-intensity physical activity, has a greater impact than brisk walking.” he says. he is a physical therapist.

brisk walking vs jogging. Which one is better for losing weight?

Both brisk walking and jogging are forms of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise that are beneficial in improving cardiovascular health, building immunity, improving muscle strength and endurance, and preventing lifestyle-related diseases. It provides great health benefits. Nevertheless, they also help with weight loss. Weight loss requires burning calories, and both of these activities can burn a sufficient amount of calories. Because of its low-impact nature, brisk walking doesn’t burn as many calories as jogging, Ravichandran says.

Why jogging burns more calories than brisk walking

\”A brisk walk or jog increases your heart rate and uses about 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. Jogging can increase your heart rate by about 120bpm-140bpm depending on its speed and duration. This may explain why jogging burns far more calories than brisk walking, even though the heart rate zones are similar. It’s clear,” said the expert.

Which one is better for losing weight?

There are several studies showing that running may increase the risk of lower extremity injuries. Jogging, a form of running, carries a higher risk of injury than brisk walking. However, jogging seems to be a good choice for weight loss because it burns more calories than brisk walking in a short amount of time.

dangers of jogging

“Overweight and obese people already have a lot of pressure on their joints, so jogging may exacerbate their risk of injury. On the other hand, those who are slim and looking to lose belly fat can jog, but may need to increase their pace and duration. I can’t.


“There is no conclusive evidence demonstrating and proving that one physical activity is superior to another for weight loss. You may prefer activity, remember to always do activities that you enjoy, weight loss also requires a variety of exercises, and you need to focus on incorporating strength training as well to improve your metabolism and utilization. There is,” says the physiotherapist.

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