Home Fitness Brighton: Fitness focused footballers shed 150kg in weight

Brighton: Fitness focused footballers shed 150kg in weight

by Universalwellnesssystems
Image caption, Man vs. Fat Brighton lost a total of 25 stone (150kg) in one year

  • author, Christian Fuller
  • role, BBC News, South East

One football club that puts a strong emphasis on improving the health of its players has seen its entire team lose more than 25 stone (150 kg) in a year.

Members of Man vs Fat Brighton, based in East Sussex, were weighed every week before a 30-minute match of six-a-side football.

Teams will be awarded an extra goal bonus based on their weight loss, and a team’s total weight loss and match scores will count towards their club’s league position.

Manager Damo Stevens said the club, which runs from Stanley Season Leisure Centre, was a “special place” where like-minded overweight and obese men could form new friendships and share ideas.

“Players who previously would have passed each other on the street and never recognised each other are now friends through the club,” he said.

“Man v. Fat isn’t just about physical health.

“The men who have taken part have seen an improvement in their mental health and we hope this will continue for a long time.”

Image caption, Man vs Fat Brighton players are weighed in before a 30-minute six-a-side football match.

According to Public Health England, 57.3% of adults in Brighton and Hove are overweight or obese.

Man version fat Brighton are looking to recruit new players to join their 30-man squad.

A partnership between Man v Fat and East Sussex County Council means each new participant will receive a free 14-week season.

Richard Crick, the club’s head of football, said: “The players who take part are truly changing their lives for the better, improving their physical and mental health, making new friends and having fun in the process.”

“Man v Fat is not a ‘lose fat fast’ programme – we encourage body positivity and losing weight at a healthy, sustainable pace.

“The programme is perfect for guys looking to get back into football after some time away and gradually improve their fitness, without the stress of forming a group or booking a pitch.”

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