Home Fitness Brianny Terry (75KG) Deadlifts All-Time World Record of 291 Kilograms (641.6 Pounds)

Brianny Terry (75KG) Deadlifts All-Time World Record of 291 Kilograms (641.6 Pounds)

by Universalwellnesssystems

Terry’s new heaviest deadlift in women’s powerlifting history came at the 2023 WRPF American Pro 2.

Powerlifter Brian Terry made history in women’s powerlifting by not only achieving the heaviest deadlift in the 75kg class but also in any women’s sanctioned competition to date. Terry competed in the 2023 WRPF American Pro 2 in Manassas, Virginia on Sunday, October 29th as part of the prime time lineup for the Raw with Rap division.

Terry’s final deadlift was 291 kilograms (641.6 pounds), breaking Sarah Schiff’s previous record for heaviest tow by 0.5 kilograms. Schiff achieved a deadlift of 290.5kg at the 2023 FQ Classic in May 2023. Check out Terry’s historic lift below.

Terry approached the barbell with a sumo stance and a serious expression, knowing the history of riding her attempt. She used a mixed grip while wearing a headband, singlet, and weight belt.

Once Terry started the pull, it took nearly 10 seconds to reach lockout. After a brief hold, she was ordered down by the head judge. After a dramatic pause, she saw her three white lights and realized that the all-time world record was hers.

Terry achieved a combined 7/9 on the squat, bench press, and deadlift that day. Her heaviest deadlift broke Christy Hawkins’ 75 kg raw deadlift world record of 277 kg (611.7 lb). This was the 8th world record and 5th deadlift record achieved at American Pro 2.

Despite the new record, Terry finished the meet in fifth place overall in the Best Lifters rankings. Hawkins won the award for Best Lifter, breaking Marianna Gasparyan’s all-time DOTS score with a score of 711.18. You can see Terry’s best lifts below.

2023 WRPF American Pro 2 Results — Brian Terry

  • squat — 240 kilograms (529.2 pounds)
  • bench press —140 kilograms (308.7 pounds)
  • deadlift — 291 kilograms (641.6 pounds)
  • total — 671 kilograms (1,479.5 pounds)

2023 has been a very good year for Terry. In July, she earned her IFBB Pro League Women’s Physique pro card at the 2023 NPC USA Championships. There is no word on what she will do next in the field of powerlifting or bodybuilding. She told interviewer Garrett Fear that she was ready to celebrate her own recent accomplishments.

Replays of WRPF American Pro 2 are available to watch for free on the WRPF Americas — Professional Powerlifting YouTube channel.

Editor’s note: bar bend And that World Raw Powerlifting Federation Americas Established strategic media partnerships. The two organizations maintain editorial independence unless specified for a specific project.

Featured image via WRPF Americas — Professional Powerlifting YouTube Channel.

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