While certain diets such as eggs, fatty fish and vegetables provide essential nutrients for early growth, we believe nutrition is important for brain development, concentration and learning in children. We all want our children to be active and healthy. A nutritious, balanced diet is essential for your child’s overall health, including brain function.
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In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Atchara Venakatraman, a childbirth educator, child development consultant, child psychologist (ICPEM certified), early childhood nutritionist, and founder of Bump2Cradle, suggested that the products listed below should be included in a child’s diet. In addition, their brains require memory and acuity, or optimal growth and function.
1. Egg
Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods available. Fortunately, they are also popular with children. Eggs are rich in nutrients important for brain growth and cognitive function, including choline, vitamin B12, protein and selenium. Choline is an essential vitamin for brain development. Try serving an egg salad sandwich, an omelet, or scrambled eggs and bread for breakfast.
2. Yogurt
Fat is essential for brain function. High-protein, full-fat yogurt helps keep your brain cells in good shape for transmitting and receiving information. These nutrients are believed to maintain mental sharpness by increasing blood flow to the brain.
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3. Green vegetables
Getting your child to eat leafy greens can be difficult, but research shows that these nutritious vegetables are essential for brain health in children. Spinach, kale, and lettuce. Green leafy vegetables, such as, contain folic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and brain-protecting substances such as vitamins E and K1. A diet rich in carotenoids, such as leafy greens, may improve cognitive performance in young people.
4. Seafood
Fish are rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the brain against cognitive decline and memory loss. Salmon, tuna and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The more omega-3s your brain can take in, the better it works and the better your kids will be able to concentrate.
5. Nuts
Nuts and seeds are rich in nutrients associated with improved cognitive performance, including vitamin E, zinc, folic acid, iron and protein. It helps increase consumption of important nutrients such as healthy fats, protein and fiber. Additionally, nuts and nut-and-seed butters are adaptable, kid-friendly foods that can help boost the nutritional value of meals and snacks.
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6. Mikan
Mandarin oranges are a citrus fruit with a sweet scent that is popular with children. Including oranges in your child’s diet may benefit his or her general health, including cognitive health.Oranges contain vitamin C, a substance necessary for brain function. It contains a lot. In contrast to vitamin C deficiency, having adequate blood levels of vitamin C is associated with superior performance on tasks including concentration, cognitive flexibility, concentration, memory, decision-making speed and discrimination. It is related to