Home Mental Health Brad Pitt’s Makes a Heartbreaking Confession About His Rare Disorder

Brad Pitt’s Makes a Heartbreaking Confession About His Rare Disorder

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Brad Pitt believes he has undiagnosed prosopagnosia.

  • This condition affects your ability to recognize people’s faces.

  • Pitt said he has struggled with it for years and is often self-centered and complacent in social situations.

Brad Pitt He fears he has created a false image of himself. GQBut in reality, he believes he suffers from undiagnosed prosopagnosia, also known as “facial blindness”.

This problem is especially noticeable when Pitt attends parties and social gatherings. “No one believes me!” he said. “I want to see other people.” And he has been experiencing symptoms for years, he said in 2013. Esquire They discouraged him from leaving home.

“So many people hate me because they think I disrespect them,” he said at the time. “So I swear to God, it took me a year to just say, this year I’m going to deal with it and say to people, ‘Okay, where did we meet?’ I just did.People are more offended.

He continues: But I piss people off more. “You’re self-centered. You’re conceited. But that’s a mystery to me. I can’t grasp the face, but I come from such a design/aesthetic point of view. I’m going to test it.”

he has not yet been evaluated, he said GQbut diagnosis usually involves a series of face recognition test done by a neurologist.

So what is prosopagnosia?

Also known as “facial blindness,” this condition is characterized by abnormalities, damage, or dysfunction of the right fusiform gyrus, the fold of the brain that contributes to the perception and memory of faces. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)It affects our ability to recognize people’s faces. The severity of the condition can range from an inability to recognize the faces of friends and family to an inability to distinguish faces at all.

What Causes Prosopagnosia?

There are two types of prosopagnosia, each with its own causes.

  • Advanced prosopagnosia: Some people are born with no brain damage, a type also known as prosopagnosia. UK National Health ServiceThis type often occurs in families and is thought to be the result of genetic mutations or deletions, according to NINDS.

  • Then there is acquired prosopagnosia or post-traumatic onset. According to NINDS, it can be caused by stroke, traumatic brain injury, or certain neurodegenerative diseases.

Treatment of prosopagnosia

Although there is no universal cure for prosopagnosia, treatment often involves learning compensatory strategies to implement in social situations requiring facial recognition. Treatment often involves learning strategies to resort to in social situations. According to NINDS, adults who have suffered a stroke or brain injury can take advantage of a variety of treatments to retrain them to recognize other cues.

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