Shanique Grant got in on the past by wearing workout clothes this Halloween. In a new social media post, the bodybuilder flaunts his famously fit physique in a 1980s-inspired workout costume. “80s songs, 80s movements, 80s progress. #Halloween It was a hit! ,” he captioned the Instagram photo. How does she approach food, fitness, and self-care? Here’s everything you need to know about her lifestyle habits.

In a live Q&A with fans, she talked about her diet. During the off-season, she tries to stay clean and cut down on calories. She also consumes 350-500 grams of protein per day. According to clinical trialConsuming more protein than the recommended dietary allowance not only reduces body weight (BW) but also reduces fat mass while preserving fat-free mass (FFM) on both low- and normal-calorie diets. , body composition is also improved.

Grant picks up a racket during his downtime. “I love tennis. It’s a great cardio workout. It really builds up your stamina, gets your heart rate up, burns a lot of calories, takes more steps… overall it’s a really fun time,” she said. Ta. muscle and fitness. According to “I love that part of it because it’s also very competitive.” ace fitness It’s a combination of aerobic and aerobic exercise and requires hand-eye coordination, as there’s a lot of running around. “Tennis improves aerobic fitness and anaerobic endurance, strength exercises (grip strength and endurance), flexibility, multiple skill parameters (balance, speed, agility, quickness), responsiveness, power, etc. , which offers numerous health benefits, but is also psychologically taxing,” they say.

Grant recently shared a photo of himself outdoors good result.
- Dumbbell bent over row: 4×12-15
- TRX row (neutral to pronated grip): 4×15
- Biceps curl: 3×12
- Triceps pushdown with band: 3×10
- TRX Bodyweight Curl: 4×12
- Bench dip: 3×10-12
- Ankle weighted walking lunge with kickback: 4×10-15

According to Grant, consistency is key. she captioned video “The weekend doesn’t mean putting your goals on hold. Instead of stopping, learn to rest!” she also posted, showing herself doing a lower body workout this photo He posted a photo of himself in workout clothes and captioned it, “No one wants to tell you why discipline is so important. Discipline is the most powerful form of self-love. It’s about ignoring present pleasures for the reward. It’s about loving yourself enough to give yourself everything you’ve ever wanted. ”

Recently Instagram She reveals what she eats in an average day. For breakfast, I eat scrambled eggs with spinach and oatmeal with strawberries, totaling 755 calories. Lunch was salmon, rice, and steamed broccoli, 658 calories. Dinner is potatoes, collard greens, and a steak, chicken, or small fried chicken sandwich, which is about 568 calories.