Home Fitness Bluey exercise episode slammed as fatphobic but some mums said it is important to avoid obesity

Bluey exercise episode slammed as fatphobic but some mums said it is important to avoid obesity

by Universalwellnesssystems

Furious parents turn off ‘seriously fatphobic’ Bluey episode – but others defend show: ‘It’s about health’

  • Parents Blame Bluey’s Episode on Exercise
  • They claim the message is toxic and fatphobic
  • But some say it’s a great message about obesity

Hardcore Bluey fans are very disappointed with the “toxic” message in a recent episode about exercise.

The episode begins with Bandit and Chilli jumping on the bathroom scale and sighing after seeing numbers flash on the screen.

An iconic kids show father figure, Bandit grabs his stomach before deciding he needs to go outside and get some exercise.

Parents appear to be divided over the episode – some were so uncomfortable they switched off, others claim the conversation about weight should be normalized.

“It could have been a great episode about not letting kids keep you from moving, but instead it’s like Bandit’s story about weight loss and the assumption that he had high blood pressure when he was ‘fat’. It seems to me,” quipped one mother.

Parents Furious During First 30 Seconds Of Bluey’s “Exercise” Episode

Additionally, “One in five children worldwide show signs of an eating disorder, and I really expected more.”

Others were equally unimpressed.

“I was disappointed with this morning’s episode. We really don’t say things like that around our daughter.

“There are better ways to tell this story than by pinching the fat,” said another.

“If you don’t see the problem in an episode, you’re paying to have the same conversation in front of your kids and think that’s a positive thing. You hear it on a TV show you’re on, hear you say it, hear your friends, etc.

The conversation was so heated by parents that even experts expressed their opinions.

Pediatric nutritionist Father Kyra Ringrose said she would love to see the first 30 seconds of the episode change.

Bandit and Chili take turns weighing themselves at the beginning of the episode

Bandit and Chili take turns weighing themselves at the beginning of the episode

“I don’t want my daughters to see other trusted adults (albeit dogs) complaining about how their bodies look,” she said.

However, several parents disagreed and claimed there was nothing wrong with the episode.

“I’m sorry, but all I got from this episode is that Bandit started working out to be happier within himself.

“I’m all for body positivity, but at the same time if you’re not happy, do something about it! I took my children in instead of using them, and it paid off,” said one mother.


What do you think is wrong with this episode?

  • Yes gross! 8 votes
  • No, that’s a great message! 131 votes

“Unfortunately, I still fall into the trap of feeling dissatisfied with my body and thinking I need to exercise more and eat better to look better, but my daughter I don’t want you to feel this way.’

She wants her children to watch the episode.

“The overreaction to one episode of a children’s show shocks me. If so, all these people are scrutinizing many other shows and their episodes and skipping them if they’re not perfect.” I am convinced.”

she wasn’t alone.

One mother said she remembered very little of the first 30 seconds.

“I politely decline. Scales are only bad if you create them. They are very useful, for example, in getting the right dosage or measuring growth,” she said. .

Another argued that the best thing about the show was how “realistic” the issues were.

“But that’s real life. Aren’t we perfect parents all the time? We make mistakes and say things we shouldn’t say. It’s real life,” she said.

Some people said the episode should be changed

Some people said the episode should be changed

Some denounced the idea that the episode was fatphobic.

“I’m fat and I come across phobias and shameful behavior every day. This was not the case,” she said.

Another woman said people were “too distracted by messy meals.”

“There has been a 47% increase in obese children in the last 20 years. No one is willing to acknowledge the lifelong medical and social consequences of obesity,” she said.

“Weight and weight management should be a normal conversation.”

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