Home Health Care Biden’s New Drone Policy Masks the Horrifying Truth

Biden’s New Drone Policy Masks the Horrifying Truth

by Universalwellnesssystems

Adel al-Mantari, a Yemeni civilian awaiting discharge from a hospital in Cairo, was maimed and bedridden to this day after a U.S. drone attack killed four of his cousins ​​in 2018. After three surgeries, I am facing months of physical therapy and high medical bills. .

October 7, President Joe Biden announced A new policy to regulate drone attacks in the US is said to be aimed at reducing the number of civilian casualties from attacks.

But Biden made no mention of regret or compensation for thousands of civilians like Adele and his family whose lives were forever changed by the drone strike. Grace Numerous requests have been sent to the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department seeking compensation to help with Adele’s medical care, but no action has been taken.

Instead, Adele and his family go fund me The campaign raised enough money to cover his recent surgery and hospitalization. and two sons are seeking more help to pay for the household expenses. spare no penny to help them out.

write for New York Review of BooksWyatt Mason explained Lockheed Martin Hellfire 114 R9X, reportedly a safer drone weapon. Nicknamed the “Ninja Bomb,” it is an air-to-ground, drone-launched missile with a top speed of 995 miles per hour and no explosives, purported to avoid collateral damage. Yet, as Mason quotes, report of Guardian “This weapon uses the combined power of a 100-pound dense matter flying at high speed with six attached blades that deploy to crush and slice the victim before impact. ”

Adele was attacked before the “ninja bomb” was fully deployed. However, if the attackers rammed the vehicle he and his cousin were traveling with barbaric weapons designed to slice through mangled bodies, it was unlikely that he would have survived. There is little consolation for a man who remembers the day he and his cousin were attacked.

Five were in the process of reviewing real estate proposals for their families. One of my cousins ​​worked in the Yemeni army. Adele worked for the Yemeni government. None of them were related to terrorism. But they were targeted anyway. Three men died instantly from the impact of the missile that hit them. Adele watched in horror as the explosion littered the body parts of one of her cousins, one of whom had been decapitated. The still-living cousin was taken to hospital and died a few days later.

By using more precise weapons like “ninja bombs” and ensuring that Biden himself orders attacks that take place in countries the United States is not at war with, the Biden administration will avoid collateral damage and be more kind. We hope to portray a milder form of drone attack.

Annie Seale of the Center for Civilians in Conflict (Civic), says the new lethal force policy entrenches the previous one. “The new lethal force policy is also secret,” she wrote, “obstructing public oversight and democratic accountability.”

President Biden can authorize the killing of other humans anywhere in the world because of his decision after ordering the drone assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri. and take you out

Martin Sheen is best known for portraying the fictional US President Josiah Bartlett in the television series. West Winghave sponsored Narration of two cable spots critical of US drone warfare. The ad began airing last weekend on Biden’s CNN and his MSNBC channels in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware.

In both spots, scenes with a long history of opposing war and human rights abuses refer to the tragedy of civilians killed abroad by U.S. drones. As media images roll about the drone pilot’s suicide, he asks:

Humanity faces an increasing danger of climate catastrophe and nuclear proliferation. We need voices of integrity like Sheen and leadership from people like former UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn.

“The United States has approved the largest defense budget in history. All of these resources that are used for weapons are resources that are not used for health, education, housing, or environmental protection. It is a dangerous and dangerous time,” Corbyn said. Told. I have written in April. “Watching terror unfold and preparing for more conflicts in the future is no guarantee of addressing the climate crisis, the poverty crisis or the food supply. Peace, security and justice for all” It is the responsibility of all of us to build and support a movement that can chart a different course for

well said

Current world leaders cannot agree with their own citizens on the consequences of pouring money into the military budget, which continues to allow “defense” corporations to profit from arms sales around the world. It seems that. Ensure that the defense industry ignites eternal war and its legions of lobbyists continue to serve government officials with the greedy and brutal corporate missions of organizations such as Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Atomics. is doing.

We must follow the bright lights placed around the world as grassroots movements campaign for environmental health and seek to end war. And we tell Adel Al Mantari that we are truly sorry for what our country has done to him and that we sincerely hope to help. We must engage in a gentle individualism that seeks to

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