Home Nutrition Biden Administration Allowing State Medicaid Funds to Cover Groceries, Nutritional Care

Biden Administration Allowing State Medicaid Funds to Cover Groceries, Nutritional Care

by Universalwellnesssystems

The Biden Administration Has Launched State Permits Medicaid funding Used to pay for groceries and dietary advice to promote people’s overall health and wellness and reduce the need for costly medical interventions.

Proponents of the effort first reported by wall street journalthe use of medical funding for food programs can help improve the overall health of Americans, ultimately resulting in better nutritional habits, fewer medical visits, and less pressure on the U.S. healthcare system. I believe that it will lead to

Critics argue that extending Medicaid to pay for meals is unnecessary and redundant because the Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) already helps disadvantaged people buy groceries. I’m here. Extending the purpose of Medicaid beyond medical services will ultimately grow the federal government and make beneficiaries more dependent on new services, they say.

However, the Biden administration’s efforts could win support from some Republicans who want states to have more control over their Medicaid programs. journal report.Several Republican See also the economic and philosophical appeal of promoting nutrition, perhaps to avoid overprescribing pharmaceuticals and reduce hospital visits.

Kansas Republican Senator Roger Marshall said, “We need to put more emphasis on ways to encourage people to make healthy choices.” journal“And that budget will save us money in the long run.”

Marshall is a physician who supported legislation creating dietary programs under Medicare in which patients receive certain foods as part of their treatment plan. rights program for

Republican Rep. Glenn Thompson, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, is skeptical of the “food as medicine” approach. journal He’s happy to explore the idea.

“Sometimes in Washington, glitter gets a lot of attention and sometimes a lot of funding,” he said. “Let’s see what we need.”

The Biden administration expansion Medicaid including additions millions of new recipients to the role of the program. In some states, Medicaid covers air conditioning to combat extreme heat, up to six months’ rent, and filtration equipment to improve air quality. journal report. In August, President Joe Biden signed an executive order authorizing the use of Medicaid funds. Facilitate travel for women seeking abortion You may have violated the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion.

In April, the state will review a participant’s Medicaid eligibility. Many of them received benefits during the pandemic as the program suspended eligibility screening and improper payment evaluations in 2020. Income of pregnant women, children and people with disabilities.

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