Home Nutrition Beware! Eating almonds is not as healthy as you think; know the life-threatening side effects

Beware! Eating almonds is not as healthy as you think; know the life-threatening side effects

by Universalwellnesssystems

Eating too many almonds can wreak havoc on your body and cause dangerous side effects.

New Delhi: All over the world, eating almonds has always been associated with good health and a sound mind. Almonds are one of the healthiest nuts that pack a nutritional punch that benefits you on every level.

Almonds contain antioxidants, vitamin E, protein and fiber. Known to help treat many ailments, almonds help you lose weight, improve heart health, regulate blood sugar levels, even benefit blood pressure levels, and lower bad cholesterol.

Side effects of eating too many almonds

Excessive consumption of these nuts can have adverse health effects. Eating too much badam as a snack not only makes you feel sick, it also leaves a bad taste in your mouth in the following ways:

digestive problems

If you like your almonds roasted, no problem. But this has to be done within limits. Compared to other nuts, almonds are the highest in protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin, and niacin, according to health experts. This should be the recommended ideal daily intake.

Eating more than that can cause severe constipation, bloating, and an upset stomach.

This happens because they’re high in fiber, and eating a lot of them puts a shock on your body.

Decreased nutrient absorption

Due to the excess fiber (3.5 grams per ounce), other nutrients such as magnesium, calcium and zinc found in almonds are not absorbed into the bloodstream, causing deficiencies.

Therefore, eat only as much as your doctor advises.

causes of weight gain

Eating nuts as a snack during weight loss is commonly recommended.

If you keep almonds to yourself or eat too much of them, the effects will be reversed and adversely affected.

Almonds contain fat and calories, with about 100 grams providing 50 grams of fat. Also, leading a sedentary lifestyle and not moving around much to burn calories can lead to significant weight gain and derail the weight loss process.

Doctors always recommend exercising regularly to avoid unnecessary weight gain.

cause allergies

Many tree nuts cause serious allergies in people, and some are even life-threatening.

Almonds can cause oral allergy syndrome in many people, resulting in an itchy throat, itchy skin around the mouth, and large swelling of the tongue and lips.

Also, these nuts can cause an allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This is a condition characterized by shortness of breath, hives, nausea, vomiting, confusion, dysphonia, low blood pressure, and lightheadedness.

Eating too many almonds on a regular basis causes the body to develop a resistance to them, causing stomach irritation.

cause Kidney stone

Kidney stones are one of the most painful diseases people endure. Eating too many almonds can lead to this condition that requires proper treatment and medication.

Almonds are rich in oxalate, a natural compound found naturally in plants. Leafy greens, legumes, and other foods are also high in oxalate, which helps provide many nutrients.

One ounce of almonds contains 122 milligrams of oxalate, which can lead to kidney stones and even kidney failure if eaten in excess.

increase the toxicity of the body

You may be eating not only good almonds, but also bitter or deadly almonds that can cause toxicity to your body.

Health experts say nuts are rich in amygdalin, which turns into toxic hydrocyanic acid in the body. This chemical slows down the nervous system, causing severe breathing problems and even suffocation.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions provided in this article are for general information purposes only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult a doctor or nutritionist before

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