Home Medicine Betel leaf for oral health: Benefits and uses

Betel leaf for oral health: Benefits and uses

by Universalwellnesssystems

Chewing betel leaves is quite common in many Indian households. It may be good for your oral health. Learn how betel leaves benefit your oral health.

Bad breath is embarrassing and a clear sign that something is wrong with your oral health. Not only can bad oral health be caused by eating foods like raw onion and garlic, or waking up after a good night’s sleep can also cause bad breath. I especially like to combine raw onion with most foods, and it doesn’t bother me much when I’m at home. But when I’m out, I worry about bad breath. My mother told me to chew betel leaves after meals, as many people in India do. Betel is a heart-shaped shiny green leaf that has traditionally been used in South Asian cultures to be chewed after meals and for religious purposes. In a traditional recipe, betel leaves are combined with betel nut, also called supari, and slaked lime, also called chuna, to make paan, which is chewed after meals. While eating paan after meals may feel refreshing, my mother says that chewing only betel leaves can also be effective.

How does betel leaf benefit oral health?

There’s no substitute for brushing and flossing to remove plaque (the sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth), but home remedies such as using betel leaf may also benefit your oral health.

Various studies have looked at taking betel leaves orally or using them in products to improve oral health. A study published in 2022 found that betel leaf herbal toothpaste helped combat plaque and gingival bleeding (bleeding gums). Dental JournalAnother study Global Oral Health Journal A 2023 study found that consuming whole betel leaves after meals helped neutralize the pH of saliva, which reduced the acid attack on teeth that causes demineralization. Loss of minerals in the body can lead to weakening of tooth enamel.

Betel leaves may help reduce bad breath. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.

According to Ayurvedic expert Dimple Janda, betel leaves have antibacterial properties, which can help reduce bacteria in the mouth and prevent infections and bad breath. They are also rich in antioxidants, which may help reduce oxidative stress. Betel leaves act as a mild analgesic and pain reliever, reducing the pain of mouth ulcers and toothache. Chewing betel leaves also increases saliva production.

How to use betel leaves for oral health?

Here are some ways you can use betel leaves:

  • Betel leaves should be consumed in moderation and no additional ingredients should be consumed.
  • Use herbal toothpaste that contains betel leaves
  • Use a betel leaf mouthwash: boil a few betel leaves in water, strain the liquid, and swirl it around in your mouth for at least a minute like a mouthwash.

Apart from oral hygiene, betel leaves are also used in many households to treat phlegm and cough in children. According to experts, in this treatment, betel leaves are heated in a pan to make a paste which is then applied on the chest of the child suffering from phlegm. The heat generated by the betel leaf paste helps the child cough out phlegm and relieves respiratory health problems. Also, boiling betel leaves in water and gargling with this concoction can treat sore throat and mouth infections.

For general oral health, chewing one betel leaf after meals is a great way to maintain good oral health. You can also use a betel leaf mouthwash two to three times a week to prevent bad breath.

Betel leaves can stain your teeth. Image credit: Shutterstock

What are the side effects of betel leaf?

Before using betel leaves for oral health, be aware of the side effects.

  • Consuming betel leaves in excess or chewing them with added substances such as tobacco or betel nuts can irritate and damage the oral mucosa, the lining and skin of the mouth.
  • Allergic symptoms such as itching, redness, and swelling inside the mouth may also appear.
  • This can cause severe stains on your teeth, making them look unsightly.
  • Betel leaves can also cause oral cancer if consumed in excess or combined with betel nut or tobacco.

Who should avoid using betel leaves for oral hygiene?

People with allergies should avoid consuming betel leaves. People with oral health problems, such as sensitive gums and mouth ulcers, should avoid consuming betel leaves as it may worsen their symptoms. Children and pregnant women should also avoid consuming betel leaves.

Betel leaves have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can have positive effects on oral health, but should be consumed in moderation and with caution.

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